It lasts 42 hours, is extremely embarrassing and you can watch it in its entirety on YouTube

It lasts 42 hours is extremely embarrassing and you can

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was filmed in 2001 from the first JK Rowling book about little Harry, who learns that he is a wizard and is going to Hogwarts Magic School. In Indonesia, 18 years later, the story “Alfa” was created, in which a boy discovers his magical heritage and then goes to a magic school. Coincidence? Or a bold clone who (until now unmolested) is riding the Harry Potter wave?

Indonesian Harry Potter copy passes off similarities as coincidence

Sometimes it takes a little longer for plagiarism to be discovered. Or until it gets big enough to be penalized by the trademark owner. The Indonesian production company MD Entertainment is behind the unauthorized Harry Potter variation Alfa. And that seems to have escaped the eye of the Harry Potter copyright guards for the past four years.

“Any similarities in this story to characters and locations are purely coincidental”it says at the beginning of each of the 40 episodes roughly translated. But when the protagonist, who lives with his aunt and uncle, receives an enchanting invitation to school, which his relatives tear up only to then be bombarded by owl mail, it should already be clear after 3 minutes that the parallels are a little too obvious to pass as coincidences.

Here you can watch the Harry Potter copy Alfa every 42 hours:

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Even the cheap sets and bad effects can’t hide the fact that Harry Potter’s glasses-free twin lives through the adventure of his predecessor. A few “highlights” in the first episode:

  • The non-Harry Potter gets his Wand made from a banana at a fruit market instead of Diagon Alley (minute 10)
  • Instead of on the Hogwarts Express, he meets pseudo-Ron and Hermione in one roller coaster wagon (minute 18)
  • Under the stare of the Snape surrogate and the benevolent eye of the white-robed Fast-Dumbledore, one shares sorting hat the main character into his house (minute 30)
  • Flight lessons with the Snitch and the evil Malfoy on … flying giant lollipops (minute 37)
  • If three-headed dragons suddenly appear or the beardless Hagrid sneezes a door, the Indonesian series still fills its plot with its own ideas – but does it make it better?

    This compilation shows you the “most beautiful” moments from 42 hours of Fake Harry Potter

    If you don’t feel like wasting almost two days of your life watching all the episodes of the Harry Potter rip-off, you can also watch the short videos by TikToker matthewables, who draws a few comparisons to the original:

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    It’s always amusing to click through the slightly worn-out Indonesian Harry Potter version. Unfortunately there are no subtitles on YouTube.

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    For a high-quality new edition, we will have to wait for the official Harry Potter series, which is currently being planned.

    Podcast: Is the Harry Potter series really a good idea?

    It has been speculated for a long time, now it has been confirmed: The first series in the history of Harry Potter is being produced. However, fans are divided.

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    At this point you will find external content that complements the article. You can show it and hide it again with one click.

    In the podcast we answer important questions about the series, which Harry Potter creator JK Rowling is involved in. Below: Why is Rowling’s involvement so criticized. And what are the pros and cons of remaking the books?

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