It is consumed very often! Don’t eat it, it increases your cancer risk

It is consumed very often Dont eat it it increases

Increasingly unhealthy diet, sedentary life and harmful habits increased the risk of getting diseases. The number of people diagnosed with cancer is increasing day by day. Millions of people die every year due to cancer. Changing your lifestyle is vital to reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. You can reduce your risk of developing these diseases by consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and avoiding the following foods.



Excessive consumption of oil causes high rates of cancer. In addition to solid fats such as margarine, butter and lard, which are called saturated fats, the invisible fats in meat, milk and cheese increase the risk of cancer when consumed more than it should be. When cooking animal foods such as meat, fish and chicken, these foods should be cooked in their own fat without adding extra oil. Adding extra fat to these already fatty foods causes more fat consumption than necessary. At the same time, the consumption of all foods by frying or roasting causes an increase in the fats that cause cancer formation, called trans fats. Therefore, fast food, type foods, fried-roasted foods cause excessive oil consumption, thus paving the way for the formation of cancer.


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Another mistake made is to eat a low-fiber diet, that is, to consume a small amount of fiber. It is known that fiber deficiency increases the risk of colon cancer. Eating low in fiber and increasing meat consumption triggers the formation of cancer at a high rate. In order to increase the pulp, it may be preferred to use more cereal foods, to consume whole grain breads, to include legumes at least 2 times a week, to add salad or vegetables to the protein consumed, that is, to meat, and to take probiotic supplements. Since red meat contains nitrites and nitrates in addition to saturated fat, and these substances are carcinogenic, consuming red meat more than necessary, for example, consuming more than 3 meals a week may increase the risk of cancer. In addition, cholesterol breakdown products in the body are also carcinogenic. Diet rich in cholesterol; caused by excessive consumption of animal products. Therefore, preferring less fatty meats, cheeses and milk protects against cancer. In addition, since the nitrite and nitrate ratios in processed meats such as salami and sausage are higher than natural meat, the risk of cancer increases considerably. For this reason, it is necessary to reduce the amount as much as possible and to prefer natural ones as much as possible to prevent cancer.


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Sodas are often high in sugar. Even if sugar-free ones are preferred, chemicals, colorants and artificial sweeteners are among the substances that increase the risk of cancer. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of colon and liver cancers.


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White flour and refined white sugar accelerate the formation of cancer. It is essential that grain flours are preferred instead of white flour. Simple sugar should also be avoided as much as possible. Additives such as glucose and fructose syrup in packaged foods are also included in simple sugar, and it is recommended that these substances be present in very small amounts in the diet, or absent if possible. For this reason, when purchasing packaged foods, the labels should be read very carefully. The natural fructose needed by the body can already be obtained from fruits. However, artificial glucose and fructose syrup taken from packaged foods are effective in cancers such as pancreatic cancer.

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Excess salt consumption is also risky, especially in terms of stomach cancers. Excessive consumption of pickled foods, salts in cheese and olives, and salt in food increases the risk of cancer. It doesn’t matter if they are rock or sea salt. Sodium taken from vegetables and fruits is sufficient for health. Excess sodium intake increases the risk of cancer. For this, especially when consuming pickled foods, either only foods made in brine with vinegar should be consumed or they should be kept in water for a while before eating.


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In addition, it is necessary to stay away from genetically modified GMO foods as much as possible. Consuming less foods such as soy, corn and wheat, which are known to be exposed to more GMOs, is important in order to prevent cancer.
Consuming hot liquids on a regular basis and constantly consuming extremely hot foods are also effective in cancer types of the esophagus region, especially by damaging the esophagus. For this reason, it is appropriate to consume foods not excessively hot, for example, about 65 degrees Celsius and below.
