“Is there any garlic milk?” don’t say it! The benefits do not end with counting…

When you combine garlic and milk, the benefits of these nutrients increase exponentially. Moreover, you can easily prepare this mixture called garlic milk yourself at home. So, what are the benefits of garlic milk? How to make garlic milk? Here, we searched for the answers to all these questions for you…


  • Garlic milk, which is a very effective mixture for cardiovascular diseases, lowers bad cholesterol and prevents the formation of clots in the vessels. The mixture is much more effective if it is prepared with low-fat milk.

  • It protects you against infections such as flu and colds. When you are sick, you can drink this mixture 2 or 3 times a day.

  • If you have insomnia problems, drinking a glass of garlic milk before going to bed at night will help you sleep much more comfortably.

  • Garlic milk is also a very effective food for skin care. Drinking this mixture regularly will not only beautify your skin, but also remove acne and skin blemishes.

  • Thanks to the minerals it contains, it nourishes the hair roots and ends. In this way, it helps your hair to look brighter and healthier.

  • Garlic milk contributes to the treatment process of diseases such as cough and asthma. Asthma patients are recommended to drink a glass of this mixture a day.

  • It helps the liver get rid of toxins. Thus, it protects you against fat deposits and disorders that may occur in the liver.

  • Garlic milk reduces muscle and joint pain in the body. It also supports the treatment process of pain caused by calcification.

  • It helps to get rid of the edema in the body and allows you to get rid of your excess weight. Therefore, it is preferred by those who want to lose weight.

  • It plays an effective role in clearing the intestinal parasites.

  • Garlic milk is frequently used by women who have just reunited with their baby, with its breast milk enhancing feature.


You can consume garlic milk with peace of mind by preparing it yourself at home.

  • Peel 10 cloves of garlic on the board and chop coarsely.

  • In a saucepan, add 2 cups of milk, 1 cup of water and the garlic. Boil on medium heat.

  • After boiling, remove the mixture from the stove and strain.

  • Let the milk cool by pouring it into glasses.

  • Then you can add some honey into the glasses and drink it.

