Is Regus Patoff the devil?

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You can stream the weird thriller series The Consultant on Amazon Prime Video since February 24, 2023 *. This is unleashed by Tarantino star Christoph Waltz as a manipulative management consultant who appears like a Mary Poppins from Hell and turns the gaming developer studio CompWare and its employees upside down.

Who at the end of the bizarre psycho-thriller office satire If you are looking for explanations and exciting interpretations, you will get the most important ones here Findings, motives, symbolism and the end explained.

Warning, spoilers for the end of The Consultant:

The most important question after The Consultant: Who is Regus Patoff?

In the end, The Consultant leaves us with the unanswered question of who this enigmatic consultant Regus Patoff (Christoph Waltz) really is. Is he one? supernatural entity? Is he just a sociopath who takes advantage of people and their ambitions?


Who and what is Regus Patoff?

The series itself makes at least one thing clear: Regus Patoff cannot be human. It starts with his name. This is not, as claimed, a Ukrainian name from the Crimea, but an abbreviation: Reg. US Pat. Off.

This stands for the label Registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Officewhich can be found on a variety of goods that have a patent registered with the United States Patent Office.

The season finale finally reveals a shocking truth about Regus Patoff as Craig Horne (Nat Wolff) investigates his severed toe: The The management consultant’s skeleton is made of gold.

So we know why the jeweler Frank Flores should make a gold skeleton beforehand and why glass stairs and glass floors start to crack as soon as Reguss Patoff steps on them. He actually has to Hundreds of pounds heavy be.

Is Regus Patoff the Devil or the Anti-Christ?

With the choice of music (You’re the Devil in Disguise) and the omnipresent biblical imagery, the series itself casts our guesses as to Patoff’s true identity into one clear direction: He must be the devil.

This is what series creator Tony Basgallop explicitly wanted, as he confirmed in an interview with USA Today: “That was the pitch that he’s the devil. The cliché is the boss from hell. Is that a metaphorical or a literal statement?

But the situation is not that simple, as he goes on to explain:

Basically, things are much more complex than that. […] You should ask yourself: is he? one of the devil’s helpers? For my part, I’d like to know who Patoff reports to.

So we can assume that Patoff is actually a demon or even the devil himself. The series provides some exciting approaches. For example, he makes an offer to the CEOs of troubled companies that devil pact equals. In order to bring their companies to glory and bless their legacy with immortality, they must first take their own lives.

Watch the German trailer for the Amazon series The Consultant here:

The Consultant – S01 Trailer (German) HD

The example of the video game Mr Sang’s Jungle Odyssey shows how deeply the biblical motifs were embedded in the series. This features 316 levels: a possible reference to the Bible verse John 3:16.

God loved man so much that he gave his only son. Now all who trust in the Son of God will not perish but live forever.

Patoff’s method is clearly seen in this verse. Now one can speculate whether Patoff is not even the antichrist could be. As a vile corporate Jesus, he lets his subordinates run barefoot and is eventually even worshiped by them.

More symbolism in The Consultant: The Importance of the Staircase

The prominently staged glass staircase in CompWare’s office also provides an interesting template for interpretive approaches. This could be representative of the Jacob’s Ladder stand, those ladders to heaven from the Bible that connect earth and heaven.


Regus Patoff takes you up the career ladder

Patoff can do this do not climb on their own: another hint that he might be a fallen angel. That’s why he uses an elevator to avoid the stairs, which he can’t climb on his own.

In the context of the office thriller, however, the stairs can also be used as a motif career ladder stand up, at the top of which is the management floor. Some employees literally have to fight their way up to get a vacant office on the executive floor.

The Consultant never shows us that Patoff climbs those stairs himself. He can only do this with the help of others. and all people who climb up together with him (Craig, Elaine, Patti) will sooner or later be manipulated by him.

The Consultant at Amazon Prime Video: This is what happens in the end

Patoff devotes his greatest attention to the two employees Craig and Elaine (Brittany O’Grady). He seduces them both into crossing morally questionable and rarely legal boundaries in order to succeed. While Craig resists and pays a high price (his game idea and his fiancée) for it, Elaine succumbs to temptation. She turns into one scheming suit wearer.


Elaine and Craig

However, in Finale, Craig fights back and manages to defeat Patoff. He smashes the glass bottom with a hammer and lets the golden adviser fall into the depths. However, he survives badly injured.

in the end has Patoff completed his mission and achieved his goals. CompWare landed a hit game and was successfully led out of the crisis. And the new CEO Elaine learned from him what a company or a boss has to do in order to be able to be victorious.

The End Explained: A New Business Consultancy for Season 2

CompWare’s story has come to an end and Regus Patoff is gone. It is not yet known whether there will be another season of The Consultant. But Season 1 already sets the stage for Regus Patoff’s next case.

Namely Patoff visits the company in Episode 8 Pterodactyl Robotics. In the final scene, a grisly and all-too-familiar message is revealed on a TV screen: the robotics company’s CEO is dead. Stock prices are falling. Everything indicates that Patoff was at work here again and made the boss a similar offer as Sang Woo before.

So we can assume that the management consultant from hell will be next to lead Pterodactyl Robotics out of the crisis. He could even take advantage of the company’s expertise and subject his gold body to a technological upgrade.

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