Is acupuncture good for toothache? What are acupuncture points for toothache?

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Acupuncture practice, which was born in China and spread over time and reached our country, is among the alternative medicine methods. Acupuncture, which is applied in different ways for the treatment of many pains, is a treatment method that should be applied with the approval of specialist doctors in the field. In our country, it is an application made by experts who have received this approval only in centers with approved documents issued by the Ministry of Health. As with all treatment methods, there is a possibility of some side effects depending on the body and health status of the people in this method.

Is acupuncture good for toothache?

Acupuncture is a method that can be used in cases such as low back pain, neck pain, joint pain, as well as in the treatment of toothache. The patient should always get the approval or direction of a doctor before applying for the treatment of toothache with acupuncture. Some of the oral and dental health problems in which the acupuncture method, which is also known to be used by dentists, is applied can be listed as follows:

  • In addition to anesthetic treatment in cases where root canal treatment is required
  • To control advanced toothache
  • In cases of teeth clenching and bruxism problems
  • To control the gag urge
  • In cases of burning mouth syndrome
  • To control the pain experienced after orthodontic treatment

If acupuncture treatment is to be used for cases of toothache, the suppression method is applied. Pain is relieved by applying pressure on the toothache acupuncture points in the designated areas. This procedure should be done after the approval of a specialist doctor.

Where are the toothache acupuncture points?

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine method also used for toothache. In line with this method, it is aimed to alleviate the pain by applying pressure to the toothache acupuncture points determined. For acupuncture for toothache, pressure should be applied to two points, Hegu and Xiaguan. The hegu point is the point where the thumb and index finger meet. Another point, the Xiaguan point, is the hollow part of the cartilage located at the ear entrance. It is known that toothache will be relieved if pressure is applied to this point. However, it is not correct to carry out such applications without consulting a doctor in case of any side effects.
