Intestinal purge: benefits, how to do it?

Intestinal purge benefits how to do it

Intestinal purging helps cleanse the intestines and, as in naturopathy the intestine is the first brain, it would also have benefits for detoxifying the mind.

Intestinal purging has existed since Antiquity: the first doctors like Hippocrates already took the colon into consideration and assumed that death came from this organ. There are several intestinal purging processes that can be carried out either at home, or by a therapist. It helps relieve abdominal and emotional tensions since the gut is linked to the psyche. “In naturopathy, we say that the intestine is the first brain. There truly is a balance between gut health and overall health.” believes naturopath Diane Briol. And the benefits would be immediate: feeling of lightness, better digestion, better “evacuation” for people who are often constipated. “It’s about a form of detox of the body, and thereby the mindfor a period of 3 weeks. There are several types of intestinal purging to be carried out at home or with the help of a therapist.

Intestinal purges at home are carried out using a enema bulb and quite occasionally in case of intestinal disorders. “They consist of introducinglukewarm water decorated or not with sweet herbal tea chamomile For example, through the rectum to allow reflex evacuation of the intestine when there is constipation or caps.” They make it easier to have a bowel movement. The ideal is toaccompany these purges with a light diet and hypotoxic. THE coffeeTHE chocolate and sweets, gluten, proteins are banned within 12 hours that follow.

Yogic purges, another form of intestinal purging from yoga

“These consist of consuming salt water at 6 g/l and at the same time performing yoga movements to move the intestines and ensure that this water progresses to evacuate stools.” The principle is to chain several cycles of salt water ingestion/yoga exercises. “This is a specific purge that requires good mastery of yogaa full awareness of one’s body which will thus be freed of stools and completely washed”, she notes. Yogic purges must be accompanied by a therapist and carried out maximum 2 times a year.

The principle of colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy or “colon irrigation” can also be prescribed by a therapist to purge the intestine. The day before the session, a monodiet or even a fast is recommended. “The session, carried out on a fasting patient, consists of introduce water through the rectum. The therapist will then massage the patient’s stomach to make this water progress, remove old materials, the waste… which will then be evacuated by the machine. The session ends once the colon is supple, empty and relaxed., she explains. This process is required 1 to 2 times a year. No more.

Contraindications to know

Although it seems natural, intestinal purging is not without risks. It is contraindicated in people with colon problems (lesions, ulcers, cancers, etc.). Yogic purging is not recommended for people with hypertension due to the salt intake in the body. The advice of a therapist is essential when carrying out an intestinal purge.

Thanks to Diane Briol, naturopath in Lavaur (81).
