Infinix introduced its new 3D Lighting Leather technology

Infinix introduced its new 3D Lighting Leather technology

infinix has been launching some exciting new technologies lately. The company’s research and development team is clearly working hard today. 3D Lighting Leather They introduced the technology. This new technology, which will be located on the back of the smartphone, combines colorful LED lights with translucent thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) skin.

Infinix is ​​the industry’s first “highly transparent 3D lightingHe introduced the technology he called “. It was produced using 4 different layers, the base of which is LED Light Guide Film (LFG). Next comes the opaque paint covered by the fiberglass material. The layer you will see on the outside consists of Translucent TPU leather.

According to the Infinix rendering, the translucent nature of the layers allows the LEDs on the bottom layer to shine through the top TPU skin layer. Translucent 3D lighting partIt can be used for the same purpose as LED lights on smartphones to display dynamic notifications and alerts for various applications.

Although details are limited, Infinix You can program the LEDs to glow a specific color when you receive a text message or blink when you receive a new notification.. It can also be used to create custom images for different applications. This is something Nothing has done with its glyph, but we’ll admit that Infinix’s approach is pretty unique and futuristic.
