In the United Kingdom, this application allows you to denounce speeders

In the United Kingdom this application allows you to denounce

Using AI, the Speedcam Anywhere smartphone app can estimate a car’s speed from a single snapshot. Useful for denouncing an excess to the police according to its publisher. This application, usable by anyone, is currently debated in the United Kingdom where it is proposed.

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Civic duty? computer-assisted whistleblowing? In any case, this news application developed by Silicon Valley companies and British academics is making headlines across the Channel. Her name is Speedcam Anywhere and it allows anyone to anonymously turn over to the police any excess speed from the drivers. In other words, the mobile radar is the user. It is through the mobile camera of a passer-by that a AI allows to raise the speed of a vehicle. At the moment, the creators of the app are inundated with reviews antagonists from the public, to the point that their spokesperson spoke on condition of anonymity when interviewed by The Guardian.

Slowdown in app stores

Some see it as an excellent idea to increase security, others the establishment of a general surveillance state. Even on the side of application stores, this is not simple. At first, Google refused the application on its Play store by arguing that a AI alone could not properly raise the speed of a vehicle. A claim that ultimately turned out to be false. At Apple, the application has still not been approved, without the publisher giving any reason. Finally, on the part of the British police authorities, the algorithm is not yet validated by the ministry. It must be said that it remains difficult to legally see a radar.

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