In the spotlight: the showdown between protesters and power continues in Iran

In the spotlight the showdown between protesters and power continues

More than 400 dead, 15,000 arrests, death sentences handed down by ruthless revolutionary justice: nearly three months after the start of the revolt, notice Le Figaro, Iranian power is camping on a repressive whole to survive in the face of demonstrators who do not intend to give up their fight in favor of more freedom to change the regime, as underlined by the three days of general strike, which ended yesterday Wednesday. »

And for now, it’s the status quofinds Le Figaro : “ The 83 million Iranians, for whom this is not the first outburst of revolt, are informed that the autarkic system put in place by the mullahs for forty-three years cannot be reformed. If he opened the floodgates of democracy he would be swept away. He therefore waged a fight to the death for his survival, denouncing a plot hatched from abroad, repressing his youth and his Kurdish and Baloch minorities. »

Towards a military dictatorship?

Could Iran’s theocratic regime soon fall? Not immediately, consider Le Figaro. In effect, ” the Israeli intelligence services, sworn enemies of the Iranian Shiite theocracy but well informed for having copiously infiltrated it, believe that the “regime is not in danger in the short and medium term”, but that it will continue “to have problems in the years to come. A weakened power should therefore survive a challenge, unprecedented since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979, which could turn into latent and probably lasting discontent. (…) In the short or medium term, two elements could however change the situation, specify again Le Figaro : the death of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, 83, sick, or if power really feels threatened. Then a seizure of power by the Revolutionary Guards could be envisaged, accompanied by a setting aside of the clergy, so maligned. A military dictatorship would emerge, which could give some space to the streets. The Revolutionary Guards were not happy, for example, with the behavior of the religious police, which had caused the crisis. »

Olivier Dubois: hostage for 20 months

Also on the front page, twenty months of detention for Olivier Dubois… “ Twenty months of unbearable silence », denounces Release. ” Abducted from Gao on the 8th april 2021, the correspondent of Release and Point in Mali is still held by a jihadist group. Since the last proof of life last March, nothing is known. (…) The French authorities assure that they have not forgotten him, that they are working hard to obtain his release. Nothing allows us to doubt this commitmentpoints to the newspaper. But the silence, the absence of news, in a context where relations between France and Mali have deteriorated in recent months, inevitably worries. (…) In a few days, it will be Christmas. The second Christmas without his own for Olivier. His family, his partner, his children hope for an imminent releasesighs the newspaper. And U.S. too. »

World: France and England, these very dear teams…

The World Cup in Qatar… D-2 before the France-England clash on Saturday…

The starting eleven of the Blues should not reserve any surprises on Saturdayrelieves The Team. We should see the players who started against Denmark in the group stage and Poland in the round of 16. Kylian Mbappé has, as planned, resumed training with all of his teammates after staying indoors on Tuesday. The coaching staff also targeted defensive set pieces in preparation for this encounter. »

Otherwise, The Parisian had fun weighing up the two French and English teams on the… financial level. That is to say the market value of the workforce. The Blues and the Three Lions are the two most highly rated eleven on the market, we learn The Parisian. With advantage to the English: the players of his majesty total 1 billion 260,000 euros against 950,000 euros for the tricolor players. ” On average, an English player is worth 9 million more than a tricolor. “But the one who weighs the heaviest is Kylian Mbappé: 160 million euros… While among the English, “ no head really sticks out. Five stars share the bill: Rice (80 million), Saka (90 million), Kane (90 million), Bellingham (100 million) and Foden (110 million). »

We will see on Saturday if this financial weight of the English will weigh on the ground…
