in the constituencies of French people living abroad, digital technology helps candidates

in the constituencies of French people living abroad digital technology

The first round of the legislative elections begins this Tuesday, June 25 for French people abroad. Voters have three days to vote online, in this blitzkrieg which poses a challenge for candidates in very large constituencies, such as the 11th constituency of French people living abroad which encompasses Eastern Europe, Asia and the Oceania.

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From our correspondent in Beijing, Stéphane Lagarde

Three continents, 49 countries and a nine-hour time difference between Moscow and Auckland, the 15 candidates for the eleventh constituency worked hard this weekend to meet voters. An essentially virtual campaign given the size of the area to be covered.

It is a challenge to campaign in such a short time and in such a large constituency, but we are largely saved by digital technology, since the candidates in the constituencies of French people abroad have the right to use the files of emails from voters, when they have given their consent at the time of their registration in the consular register and on the consular electoral list. It’s a file that’s about 80 000 addresses », explains Anne Genetet, outgoing MP for French people established outside France and candidate for re-election for Ensemble la République.

The file has been cleaned of addresses that have been poorly written or of people who, in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), do not wish to receive communications. For my part, I have a file which falls to 50 000 addresses, which is quite considerable. So we use digital a lot. Videoconferencing is also extremely useful to us. I have used them since 2017, because in the exercise of my mandate, it is the means that allows me to stay in contact with the constituency. Once elected, the job is 90 % in Paris, knowing that parliamentarians represent the entire nation. They must vote on laws and evaluate and control the action of public policies in Paris. So I resort to these videoconferences and a few selected trips, because the constituency being large, there is no question of leaving a crazy carbon footprint. »

Candidates vigilant about the carbon footprint

Between the submission of applications on Sunday June 16 and the start of online voting on Tuesday June 25, nine days passed. Only a few public meetings with voters were possible: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore, where Anne Genetet lives. Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand for Marc Guyon, Union des Droits candidate in the eleventh constituency.

It’s a blitzkrieg that leaves little time. You have to do a lot of emailing, video conferences like everyone else, explains Marc Guyon. But I also want to campaign on the ground, not only in Hong Kong where I live of course. But, I also wanted to respond to two requests for a public meeting, one in Singapore and another in Phuket. Going out into the field to meet our compatriots is important. In any case, this is the idea I have of an elected representative of the nation, but also an elected official from the field who represents his compatriots, who knows the field, who knows their problems and whom you can meet to talk with your eyes in the eyes, face to face. »

For the second round, online voting for French people living outside France will be open from Wednesday July 3 at noon (Paris time) to Thursday July 4 at 6 p.m. (Paris time).

Read alsoLegislative elections 2024: technical challenges and race against time for the 11th constituency of French people living abroad

The list of 15 candidates running for these legislative elections on June 30 and July 7 in the 11th constituencies (Eastern Europe, Asia, Oceania) can be found on theLittle Journal.

The link to vote on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
