In Saint-Malo with Gwenaële Robert and Patrick Chamoiseau

At the Saint-Malo festival where the 32nd edition of the “Étonnants Voyageurs” festival takes place from June 4 to 6, 2022, meeting on site with the Saint-Malo novelist Gwenaële Robert who publishes “The Last of the Writers”, and interview with the West Indian writer , Prix Goncourt 1992, Patrick Chamoiseau author of “Baudelaire Jazz” and co-director of the collective “Refusons l’inhuman!”

Gwenaële Robert in Saint-Malo (June 2022)

Gwenaële Robert is a literature teacher and writer. She has published three novels with Robert Laffont including “Le Dernier Bain”, Prix Bretagne 2019. She lives in Saint-Malo.

The last of the writers

“Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Pierre Le Guellec disappeared while he was traveling by plane from Rennes to Stockholm. Conducted between the ramparts and the beaches of Saint-Malo, the investigation into his disappearance reveals the obscure personality of the “last of the writers”. (Presentation of editions Presses de la Cité)

Patrick Chamoiseau in Saint-Malo (June 2022)

Patrick Chamoiseau, Prix Goncourt 1992, is today one of the most influential voices in the Caribbean and one of the major writers of the contemporary world.

Baudelaire Jazz

“Invited in 2021, by the Musée d’Orsay, to pay homage to Baudelaire, Patrick Chamoiseau surrounded himself with the great musician Raphaël Imbert and guests from various backgrounds. This poetic and musical meditation, a veritable chaos-opera, brings the poet of Western modernity back to the world of slave plantations, African polyrhythms and improvisation… a hell from which (despite everything) dances, songs, drums, the reign of the Creole Storyteller , master-of-the-Word, and the indecipherable enigma of jazz.” (Presentation of editions of the Threshold)

Let's refuse the inhuman

“How can we remain deaf to the voices of the world when they cry out at our doors, agitate our societies in their depths, challenge us about our values? Patrick Chamoiseau and Mélani Le Bris.

Twenty-three writers tell unique stories of migration, look back on decades of barbarism, protest against the statistical fate reserved for migrants. They denounce a national narrative that remains unchanged and excludes a major part of our history; they call to recognize with dignity the face that the migrant gives to see, that of the human condition.

What future are we preparing for when scientists tell us that our planet is dying? When it is predicted that millions of climate refugees tomorrow will flock in and join the war refugees who are already crowding at the borders? Fictional texts, forums, poems and moments of life, these writers challenge us: it is urgent to choose between generalized everyone for themselves, and the invention of new forms of solidarity. Faced with the tragedies that are being played out in the world, more than ever, let’s refuse the inhuman, let’s dare hospitality!

By accepting that all of their royalties be donated to the Gisti (Information and Support Group for Immigrants), these authors perform an artistic act of commitment, affirming their desire to contribute to a more altruistic world, animated by an active ethic. of the relationship.” (Presentation of Editions Philippe Rey)
