in Lubumbashi, real kidnapping attempt or security exercise, on the person of the metropolitan archbishop?

in Lubumbashi real kidnapping attempt or security exercise on the

In the DRC, the Catholic Church in Lubumbashi denounces an attempted kidnapping on Friday of the Metropolitan Archbishop, Fulgence Muteba. Simulation exercise as part of the training of soldiers of the Republican Guard, answers the provincial Minister of the Interior.

with our correspondent in Lubumbashi, Denise Maheho

In Lubumbashi, about ten armed men claiming to be from the Republican Guard tried to enter at midday on Friday February 24, in the enclosure of the archdiocese of Lubumbashi without a mission order and without giving a reason. They then inspected the Saints-Pierre-et-Paul cathedral located right next to the archdiocese.

A surprise visit which worries both the Church and local civil society because Archbishop Fulgence Muteba is known for his outspokenness and it was he who facilitated the reconciliation last May between Joseph Kabila and Moïse Katumbi, two former brothers enemies.

It’s to sleep tall this story that we lived, tells us Monsignor Emmanuel Mumba, vicar general in charge of social works. We don’t know what to call it, but all suspicion leads us to imagine some kidnapping that didn’t work or some other idea that these people would have. Especially since at the archdiocese, we don’t improvise, we announce ourselves. »

A visit on the grounds of an upcoming presidential visit?

“And they will say that they needed to inspect the cathedral church, because the head of state would come in the next few days, for a certain demonstration, celebration.

It was strange, because we have no information that the head of state would come to us. We have known other Presidents of the Republic, that has never happened. We do not accuse them, but everything suggests that their mission was not at all white. They didn’t come to kiss the bishop’s ring, no. You don’t kiss a bishop’s ring with a gun. »

Contacted, Erick Muta, Provincial Minister of the Interior in Lubumbashi, indicates that this is not an attempted kidnapping, but rather a simulation exercise as part of the training of soldiers of the Guard Republican, trained by Israeli instructors. He assures that these exercises will continue in other places in the city.
