If you are a Disney+ subscriber, you can download films and series from the streaming platform for free to watch them quietly on the mobile application without an Internet connection. Convenient for the holidays!

If you are a Disney subscriber you can download films

If you are a Disney+ subscriber, you can download films and series from the streaming platform for free to watch them quietly on the mobile application without an Internet connection. Convenient for the holidays!

Like other streaming services – Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube Premium – Disney+ allows you to download content to watch it later offline. A very practical solution since it allows access to the service even without an Internet connection, as long as you do so in advance. This function is ideal for travel by train or plane, but also when you go to an area where neither Wi-Fi nor mobile data passes. However, it is available on Android and Apple mobile devices – tablets and smartphones – but also on Chromebook or Amazon Fire Tablet applications. For computers, SmartTVs and consoles, on the other hand, you will have to be content with online streaming. Disney+ also offers several parameters to better manage its downloads. Here is all you need to know.

How do I set up downloads on the Disney+ app?

Before downloading content, you must first set the download options: Wi-Fi, video quality, location…

► Launch the application then select your profile to open your session.

► Tap on your profile picture at the bottom right, in order to go to the Settings.

► A new page opens. Press on App settings.


► In the new page, scroll down to the section Downloads, which allows you to change several settings. You can choose to download only from Wi-Fi – which is recommended – or not by clicking on the small button. You can also choose the quality of the downloaded videos – High, Medium or Standard – and the location of the downloads – internal storage or SD card. Finally, this is also where you can indiscriminately delete all downloaded videos once you have watched them.


How do I download a movie or series on Disney+?

The more storage space you have on your device, the more content you can download from Disney++.

► Launch the Disney+ app, then select your profile to open your session if you haven’t already.

► Go to the page of the movie or series episodes you want to download.

► To download a movie, tap To download, just below the big Play button. Wait for the download time.


► To download specific episodes of a series or an entire season, press the download button in front of each episode or just in front of the season. Wait for the download time, which varies depending on the amount of data to be downloaded and the speed (throughput) of your Internet connection.


► To watch your content without an Internet connection, tap Downloadsin the bar at the bottom of your device, and select the video to watch.


How do I delete movies or series downloaded from Disney+?

To avoid cluttering up your mobile device’s storage unnecessarily, consider deleting downloaded videos once you’ve watched them.

► Launch the application then select your profile to open your session if it is not already done.

► Press Downloadsyousin the bar at the bottom of your device, and select the video you want to delete.


► Tap the icon Uploadedsymbolized by an SD card with a checkmark.


► A pane opens. Select Delete Download to delete content from your device.


To Please note that logging out of your Disney+ account will delete all downloaded content on your device.
