How to successfully plant bare root trees or shrubs?

How to successfully plant bare root trees or shrubs

When it comes to planting shrubs, perennials, trees or fruit trees, you can buy them in containers or in pots or bare rooted. Why choose bare rooted plants and how to plant them?

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More vigorous and less expensive, choose plants with bare roots to arrange your garden and your balcony. From November to March, take advantage of the rest period of these plants for plant and thus benefit from it the following year.

What is a bare root plant?

Unlike a plant purchased with a clod of earth surrounding its roots, the bare root plant has, as the name suggests, bare roots. Deprived of soil, it is more fragile. If the weather does not allow it to be planted after purchase (due to the gel or rain), put it in a gauge, that is to say in a corner of the garden, buried in the earth; time to be able to install it in its final place. The roots should be exposed to the least possible Sun, to the light et al’air. Once in gauge, do not forget to plant it before the resumption of vegetation, around March.

Why choose bare rooted plants?

Plants sold bare-rooted such as rosebushes where the fruit trees are cheaper to buy because they do not require soil, bucket or container to be offered to gardeners. Then, it is plants with more vigorous roots that will allow the plant to grow faster.

When to plant bare rooted plants?

You won’t find them all year round, but only from November to March. This is the period when the majority of plants are in winter rest.

How to plant a shrub or a bare root tree?

Here are some valuable tips for successfully establishing a bare root plant:

  • with a secateurs, cut the end of the roots and remove the damaged parts;
  • praline the roots with a mixture of soil and water (added to the dung of cow or clay) or a ready-to-use praline which forms a kind of mud;
  • soak the roots in the praline to promote recovery;
  • with a spade, dig a large hole in order to position the roots well, without injuring them;
  • carefully fill the hole with a mixture of garden soil and compost decomposed;
  • tamp on the surface in order to properly maintain the tree or shrub;
  • for stem forms, place a stake and secure the trunk with ties as soon as planting;
  • form a watering basin on the surface;
  • water copiously to promote a good start.

Remember to bring water regularly for the first year so that the root system of the tree or shrub develops properly. It is possible to mulch the foot of the tree, fruit tree or shrub in order to protect it fromwinter and retain the humidity necessary for its proper development.

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