How to properly insulate your home and gain brightness?

How to properly insulate your home and gain brightness

In the new and old building sector, thermal performance is a priority work angle as much as its impact influences climate issues and the pocketbooks of French people. Good insulation, coupled with good light, reduces expenses, offers better comfort, and gives our planet a little breath of fresh air!

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Energy, climate and habitat are closely linked. And today, having a comfortable and well-insulated home is essential for many people.

Insulation, a major concern

The construction or renovation of housing must meet specific regulatory requirements to ensure the thermal insulation of buildings. The goal? Maximize performance to limit greenhouse gas emissions but also allow occupants to better control financial costs. For exemple, the RE2020 regulations plans to make new and old buildings less energy-intensive by working on two axes: the carbon impact of the building sector and the comfort of users whatever the season. Because yes, this new environmental objective takes into account climate change, periods of extreme cold and increasingly frequent heat waves.

Did you know that 30% of energy losses pass through poorly or badly insulated attics? To remedy this, companies such as Effy offer turnkey solutions for insulation work allowing you to save several hundred euros per year on the energy bill. This increasingly common practice was promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition in 2019 to help individuals reduce the amount of their heating expenses. This work can be financed in part thanks to the “Coup de Pouce Renovation performance d’un maison detached” scheme.

Heat loss also occurs at windows and bay windows. Even if the openings have the advantage of providing light, they are also the source of a loss of 15% of the heat contained in the dwelling. Hence the need to change the joinery if necessary in order to opt for high quality equipment with double glazing.

Brightness, an essential element for well-being and comfort

In addition to insulation, brightness also plays a key role in the comfort of a house or apartment. Artificial lights only make it easier to see indoors in the early hours of the morning or late at night. However, natural light remains essential for the well-being of the inhabitants.

  • Natural light has a major impact on our sleep and our perception of day and night. It is thanks to it that our internal clock is regulated.
  • In addition, it helps to reduce energy consumption because you will have less use of lights during the day.
  • Good luminosity acts as an anti-depressant, reducing stress and fatigue. This is all the more true during the fall and winter seasons to fight against the seasonal blues.
  • A light that circulates well gives an impression of space and serenity. And to increase this feeling, you have the possibility of tricking a little by installing a mirror in front of the French window or the aperture to multiply this light reflection effect.

On the house side, the luminosity acts naturally against the appearance of germs and mold on the walls of the dwelling. High humidity, heat, lack of oxygen and light are the perfect breeding ground for unwanted visitors who will spoil the condition of the walls and ceilings…

Article written in partnership with Effy and Porte-fenetre

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