How to prepare for your video interview?

How to prepare for your video interview

Videoconferencing is increasingly used by companies to conduct job interviews. In this article, find our advice to best prepare for your remote interview and gain a competitive advantage in the selection process!

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The job interviews online are increasingly common, especially since the crisis of the Covid-19. It is a practical solution because it avoids travel, and allows you to apply for jobs in other regions or countries.

Video interviews are very similar to face-to-face interviews. However, there are some special aspects that you need to understand and consider in order to prepare. Here are our tips:

1) Look for a calm and neutral environment

In a conventional interview, the scene is not set by you, but by thebusiness. On the other hand, in a videoconference, you can choose aspects like lighting and background. It is recommended to use an orderly, well-lit and noise-free space. Generally, this is not a determining factor in the final decision, but it contributes to the impression left on the recruiter.

If you live with other people, let them know you have the interview so they don’t bother you and avoid the noise. Avoid colored backgrounds and do not leave works with political messages in appearance.

2) Take care of your image

Not having to leave home can cause you to neglect your image a bit. So remember that this is an interview and even if the other person can’t see you as clearly as they would in person, you should present a professional appearance, as if you were face to face.

There is no specific dress code for interviews, it depends a lot on the companies. Also, the same is not true if you aspire to a managerial position, which requires you to wear a suit and be as formal as possible, or if you are a salesperson in a fashion boutique, where the mere act of choosing an outfit from the brand itself can work in your favor.

3) Check that the technique works correctly

Another fundamental aspect of a videoconference interview is the technical quality, which allows you to see and hear your interlocutor without interference. technical problems or bugs often arrive without warning. However, if you perform a simple pre-test, you can minimize this risk.

So remember to check:

  • Login Internet : check that the Wireless has good reception (at least 3 bars)
  • Audio: Check that the microphone of your computer working properly and you can be heard. It is recommended to use listeners to prevent the other person from hearing the duplicate sound.
  • Video: Check if your webcam works and whether the image quality is optimal. It’s also important that you adjust your distance from the screen so that the other person doesn’t see you too close or too far away.

4) Take care of your non-verbal language

As in a classic interview, the non-verbal language says more than you think! You must therefore ensure that it is in tune with the message you want to communicate.

Although fewer elements can be seen during a video conference, it is important that you smile and keep a face that conveys positivity and motivation. A frequent tic on these occasions is to touch the face, which is to be avoided.

5) Respect speaking turns

One of the biggest challenges in a videoconference is ensuring that the conversation is smooth and without interruptions. There is always a small lag between when one person speaks and when the other receives the message. This is why it is essential not to cut each other off, to be patient and to wait for the person you are talking to to finish talking before responding.

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