How to integrate a company into technological engineering?

How to integrate a company into technological engineering

Digital, robotics, architecture, renewable energies… Many sectors are looking to strengthen their ranks by recruiting specialized engineers. Discover the steps to follow to integrate a company in technological engineering.

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Responsible for the study, design and realization of an idea, the engineer is useful for any large-scale project. Did you know that 79.1% of young graduates from engineering schools find a job less than two months after leaving school? This is an excellent reason to take an interest in the engineering professions.

Learn about the most sought-after jobs in technological engineering

The technological engineering sector is primarily supported by large groups. These global companies are always facing new problems and naturally want to expand their teams. Thus, job offers for engineers are constantly growing.

Here are some examples of trades particularly sought after in engineering:

  • technology consulting engineer;
  • production engineer ;
  • development engineer ;
  • system (and network) engineer;
  • industrial computer engineer;
  • information technology engineer.

To integrate a company into technological engineering, start by learning about the trades that could suit you. Do not forget to take an interest in new professions related to robotics, intelligent detection or even virtual reality !

Choose the right engineering and technology studies

To become an engineer, you have to study in a school that delivers this title thanks to an accreditation from the CTI (Commission des titres d’Ingénieur). Engineering schools are numerous and you can be admitted by different means:

  • by competitive examination directly after obtaining the BAC;
  • after a preparation;
  • following obtaining a BTS or a DUT followed by a License or ATS preparation (Higher technician adaptation).

Online courses are also starting to develop. Educational courses linked to technological engineering often offer work-study programs, which are very popular with companies who are struggling to recruit engineers.

Targeting the right company in technological engineering

The primary employment sectors for new engineers are consulting companies, aeronautics, the automotive industry, IT activities and even information services. To find the company that suits you, you can go to in the section engineering. This is a forum that invites employees to leave anonymous reviews about the company that employs them.

Thanks to GoWork, you can read feedback, find out about the median engineer salary offered by the company that interests you and know the skills recommended to integrate it!

Carry out a constant information watch on the sector

To work in the technological engineering sector, it is necessary to operate an information watch. News, social networks and platform, etc. There are many monitoring tools!

By learning regularly about the tools, technologies and the profiles sought by influential groups, you will be better able to put your CV value.

Article produced with the GoWork teams

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