How to fish the new exotic scout rifle “Vicious Tool” in Season 21

In the current Destiny 2 Season 21, players will face a new challenge to obtain the Spiteful Tool Exotic Scout Rifle. And that’s really spiteful, because apart from a week 10 Triumph and its traits, not much is known about it. But now the guardians are finally on a hot lead.

We updated this guide on June 27th, 2023 and added the fishing task to the second Exo-Fish.

The “Season of the Deep” in Destiny 2 is in week 5 and has not yet revealed all the secrets. The Guardians already have two exotic weapons in their hands, but an exo-weapon called “Vicious Tool” from the Veist Forge is still missing.

Its existence is known from a week 10 Triumph stating:

  • Complete the Whetstone encounter in Dives and earn the Spiteful Tool Scout Rifle.
  • In the meantime, however, the Guardians have taken a first lead and believe that the quest for the final weapon exo of Season 21 begins with an exo fish.

    Destiny 2: Season of the Deep drops Guardians into the water

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    Is this finally the long-awaited Exo Quest?

    Two things changed in week 5: First, we got a new fishing quest. Bungie also pointed this out in the new TWiD (“This Week in Destiny” blog), with the tip:Remember, you must catch them all.”

    On the other hand, new exotic fish have come into play, which drop a strange item for you.

    So after you visit Hawthorne in the tower, she tells you about a strange occurrence with exotic fish and gives you the quest “Fishing Trip: Throne Worlds”.

    Hawthorne sends you on a fishing trip to the throne world
  • The quest consists of 6 steps and you need to do a lot of fishing to get platinum.
  • Different qualities of fish grant progress at different speeds.
  • You need a total of 600 points:
  • An exo fish is worth 20 points, a legendary fish is worth 5 points, a rare fish is worth 2 points, and an uncommon fish is worth 1 point.
  • In order for the quest to drop, you must have reached week 5 of the seasonal story.

    Once you’ve done that, you can return to Hawthorne in the tower and collect your prize. But don’t get too excited because you won’t get the new Exotic there. Rather, you can choose between two legendary prizes.

    Nevertheless, both could be related. Bungie may have tried to use the quest to ensure that you all fished to discover the secret and that enough Guardians fished with you to progress better.

    Because you need at least one exo-fish in your inventory to hand it in at the aquarium in the HELM so that you can even discover the secret.

    Noticed: The Hawthorne quest is not mandatory to get the Spiteful Tool Scout Rifle and Exo Fish. So you can also go without them.

    So if you are now avoiding the boring activity of fishing in Season 21, you should now throw out the rod for the Exo again. With or without a quest doesn’t matter.

    Destiny 2 surprises with a new diving feature and it feels incredibly good

    Get an Exo Fish: So when you get started in the throne world, you have to land the new exo-fish “Whispering Mothcarp”, which Bungie has now unlocked.

    The fish drop is random. So you can get lucky and hook him right up. Or you have to stand around and fish for a long time for it.

  • However, “Concentrated Fishing” and “Perfect Catch” help to improve the chances of catching at least a little.
  • After 20 minutes of fully concentrated fishing, the moth carp bit

    We can’t complain this week because we had the loot god on our side and were able to complete the task in about 20 minutes. Other keepers, like Paul Tassi, were less fortunate, taking 40 minutes plus 90 decoys.

    However, over the next week there will likely be a need to invest time in fishing again, so only true fishing enthusiasts will probably enjoy it.

    If you turn in the mothfish, you will get the “Broken Blade of Strife”

    Step 2 is a little easier: Once you have received the exo-fish, fly back to the HELM and hand it in at the aquarium terminal as usual.

    The fact that you drop the blade can not only be seen when you hand in the fish, see also our screenshot. You will then find the item in your inventory with your fishing gear. If it says so, then you can start the dive.

    Blade found.- That’s how you see it

    In addition to the usual exos and a few materials, the item “Broken Blade of Strife” will also drop. You are now going into the dive mission of Season 21. You can also start this via the HELM.

    Deliver the Broken Sword in the Dive: Observant Wardens will have noticed the three different Hive statues, as seen in the newest dungeon, Spirits of the Deep.

    So far they have had no function. You can now interact with them with the Broken Blade of Strife item in your inventory.

  • A statue Located in the entrance of the encounter after entering the Sea of ​​Methane.
  • The second statue can be found in the first encounter of the dive, right next to where you place the Egregore Resonator. Look around and you’ll see a door that leads into a room on your left.
  • The third statue can then be found in the second part of the underwater sections after the first encounter.
  • How to find the 3 Hive statues in the dive: The statues are relatively easy to find, so you shouldn’t have any problems getting rid of what you found. Alternatively, you can watch the way in this video:

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    Here, 360GameTV shows you where to find the three Hive statues in the seasonal dive

    If you did everything right, the statue should glow red when you turn it in, and Xivu Arath, Savathun’s sister, will start yelling again.

    However, we recommend that you wait until you have acquired all three items. You can always reactivate the statues once you have a key. So it would make sense if you handed them all three over in the coming weeks.

    What’s next after that? Since week 6, Hawthorne has been dropping another quest for you. This time she sends you to Nessus to go fishing. That’s where the new exo-fish called “Vervexter Panzerfisch” drops.

    For the last weekly reset in week 7, this should also unlock the last exo-fish called “Eonian Fighting Fish”, in order to then activate the third and final statue.

  • There are a total of 4 of these exo fish:
  • “Ceprian Axfish”
  • Whispering Mothcarp fishable since week 5
  • Twisted Tankfish fishable since week 6
  • “Eonian Betta”
  • Next up is probably the final challenge called the “Whetstone” encounter.

    Then we reveal what you can earn from all the fishing.
    So if you don’t like spoilers, just stop reading the links below.

    What does the Spiteful Tool Exo Scout Rifle do?

    That sounded very tempting to many Guardians: As the YouTuber Redrix reports on data mining, the weapon is said to be an exotic stat scout rifle. A catalyst will also be available.

  • Intrinsic Advantage: Creeping Attrition – Quick, precise hits slow targets.
  • Exo Perk: Precision hits while Creeping Attrition is active create a Stasis Shard that returns to you.
  • Catalyst: Causes the magazine to be refilled by collecting Stasis Shards.
  • For explanation: Each headshot would slow down your opponents. If you then use a fragment that gives primary weapons additional damage against frozen targets, it makes you even more dangerous. Hunters could also combine the “Mask of Bakris” because it also increases the damage of Stasis and Arc weapons for a short time after dodging.

    The exo weapon could therefore be made for many a stasis build. But whether these qualities come into play in the same way will only become apparent when the Guardians have the weapon. And that might not happen until week 10.

    Have you already gathered at the pond to try your exo fish luck? Then write us in the comments how many exo fish you have been able to dust off so far.

    Incidentally, Bungie is currently confronted with an “accidental art theft” again:

    Destiny 2 “accidentally” uses an artist’s work without asking, now promises compensation
