How to effectively protect yourself from the sun?

How to effectively protect yourself from the sun

The specialists are adamant: the best protection against the sun is simply to…avoid it! Especially when the ultraviolet rays are the most intense, that is to say between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. The rest is all a matter of caution and common sense.

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Let’s not forget first of all that solar radiation is good for your health. Beyond the benefits it exerts on our morale, it allows the synthesis of the vitamin Dessential for our body to fix the calcium bones. On the other hand, beware of abuse!

Protect your children from the sun

First, protect your children. Their skin is particularly vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. This is why, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), an infant should never be exposed to Sun. Make it a rule that a child who can’t sit alone has no business on a beach or exposed lawn.

Hat, UV clothing and sunglasses

In all other cases, whether on the beach or elsewhere, apply sunscreen and equip your little one:

Adults also need to be vigilant. If you want to enjoy the beach, also apply sunscreen that you renew every two hours. To choose the sun protection best suited to your type of skinask your pharmacist.

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