How to do the right squat at home, how many squats should be done per day? What muscles does the squat work and how long does it take?

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Squat, which is one of the most curious movements of people who have just started doing sports, especially works the lower parts of the body. Since it is difficult to implement at the first stage, support from professionals should be sought if possible. Afterwards, you can see with the changes in yourself that it is a very effective exercise when applied correctly. You can invest in your body by doing the squat exercise regularly to have tight legs and hips. Squat will be an indispensable movement of your exercise programs with its different variations.

How to Squat?

It may take some time to properly practice the basic squat movement. For this, you can first practice without using extra weights. Various types of squats with dumbbells can also be practiced after the mechanics of the movement are settled. Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to check with a doctor so that you do not have a health problem. Some exercises can have a negative effect on ailments you have or have had in the past. If there is no problem after the doctor’s control, you can prepare for the squat exercise by doing basic warm-up movements before the exercise. The steps you need to follow to squat at home can be listed as follows:

  • Stand upright in the starting position. The hands are expected to be open at the side. Feet should be at least shoulder-width apart.
  • Back shoulders and head should be in line. Look straight ahead with your head upright. This posture prevents head movements during the exercise, allowing you to perform the exercise correctly.
  • You don’t need to expend energy to keep your waist straight. Keeping it in its natural form is sufficient and correct for exercise.
  • You can breathe while leaning towards the ground. Bend down as far as you can, according to your body strength.
  • Your knees should not go in front of your toes when you bend over.
  • The soles of your feet should touch the ground for you to do the exercise correctly.
  • After standing in this position for 1-2 seconds, you can return to the first position by exhaling.

After you start practicing the movement correctly, you can do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions per day. In the first stage, muscle pain may occur in your legs. It is important not to strain your body. Your first priority should be to perform the exercise in the correct form.

The word squat means to squat. It works the lower half of the body by bending while the upper part of the body is stationary. Squat, which is one of the basic exercises, activates the abdominal area (core area), buttocks and leg muscles. ‘What does the squat run?’ To answer the question in more detail, the muscle groups he works are as follows:

  • Gluteus (hip muscles)
  • Quadriceps (front leg muscles)
  • Hamstrings (muscles at the back of the upper leg)
  • Calves (muscles on the back of the lower leg)
  • Erector spinae (muscles in the lower back)
  • Internal and external obliques (muscles near the abdomen)
  • Rectus abdominis (muscles in the front of the abdomen)

How many squats should be done per day?

After you learn to apply the basic squat exercise correctly, you can apply it 2-4 days a week. It will be more beneficial for you to develop your practice without weights at first. You can get efficiency from the exercise with 3 sets a day and about 8-12 repetitions for each set. It is important to regularly practice the squat and other exercises in your program. The squat benefits you will see in your body after a while can be listed as follows:

  • It strengthens the body and provides resistance to the body.
  • It is an important exercise for shaping and tightening the legs and hips.
  • It provides balance by working the leg muscles, one of the largest muscle groups in the body.
  • It is effective for an upright and correct posture. It also provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  • Squat is good for back and knee pain.
  • It is a practical exercise that can be done anywhere.
  • It can be applied at various difficulty levels.
  • It contributes to the flexibility of the body.

How long does the squat take to work?

The effect of exercises may vary according to personal discipline, genetic and physical differences. Your sports history and body structure are also effective in the process of showing the effects of exercise. However, approximate time can still be given. You can start to see results in 2-3 months by working out 2-4 days a week and about 35-40 repetitions a day.

What are the mistakes made in the squat exercise?

You can get the maximum efficiency by applying the exercises in the right form. Apart from this, you should take care to work without haste in order to prevent injuries. Mislearned movements can be more difficult to change later. The mistakes many people make in squat exercise are similar. It is possible to list these errors as follows:

  • Disrupting the natural form of the spine and hips: As people get tired while exercising, they can disrupt the form of the movement. Maintaining the natural posture of the spine is important and can be dangerous if not done.
  • Position of knees: The knees should not go beyond the toes while bending in the exercise. The cause of this is the bending of the knees inward. This mistake can cause pain around the kneecap after exercise.
  • Not enough bending: In this case, since the movement is not completed, the efficiency you will receive will also decrease. Also, lifting the weight is made more difficult without fully bending over. For correct execution, the hip should be below knee level.
  • Position of heels: The entire sole of the foot should touch the ground. Lifting your heels can upset your balance. When the weight is given forward, the heel does not touch the ground and the load is on the toes. As a result, the knee circumference is forced.

What are the types of squats?

Since the squat is a basic movement and exercise, it has many variations. Once you’ve learned the basic squat move, you can add different types to your workout. Doing the same exercise reduces efficiency over time. With their variations, your different muscles will be worked in different amounts. Squat types can be listed as follows:

  • Free squat: It is an exercise performed by extending the hands in front of the body. This weightless exercise can also be applied for cardio purposes.
  • Sumo squats: Legs open more than standard exercise. Feet point out. The dumbbell is held vertically. As you exhale, the weight is lowered down and the knees open to the sides. Inhale and rise with the weight. In this process, your back should be straight, it would be wrong to lean forward.
  • Squat with resistance band: You can do this exercise by putting the resistance band on your legs. The tape should be located at the end of the thighs, not above the knees. The work is completed with a standard squat movement.
  • Squat with the ball: It can be applied by squeezing a sports ball between your legs while doing the basic squat movement.
  • Squat jump: This exercise is done by jumping up with the current momentum while getting up after the basic squat exercise is completed.
