How to brew the right tea? The expert told

How to brew the right tea The expert told

Turkey is the leader in the world ranking with its daily consumption of 245 million teas. It is a well-known fact how much tea is loved in Turkey. The annual tea consumption per person is 3 kilos. Ireland and England follow Turkey in the list of countries that drink the most tea.

Canton Tea experts, one of the biggest tea producers in England, told the secrets of brewing perfect tea. James Thirlwall, a senior at Canton Tea, also runs an education program on tea. Tom Husted from Thirlwall ce, who organizes tea tours in England just like a wine or whiskey, shared his tips for brewing the perfect cup of tea.


Choosing the right amount is just as important as choosing the best leaves: Husted believes it’s important to choose the best tea leaves, that is, to have a quality tea. However, according to Husted, something as important as this is the amount of tea. “Weigh your leaves for best results, or use a spoon to ensure optimum flavor,” Husted says. 4 grams of tea per person is the ideal measure.


Choose the right water temperature: The right temperature for brewing tea is 95 degrees. This temperature is very close to the boiling point, but not fully boiled.

According to Husted, the temperature water used is very important. In order to obtain the true flavor of black tea, the optimum temperature should be 95 degrees and the water should be infused just before boiling. “The best way to do this might be to use a thermometer,” Husted says. Also, using filtered water (clean water) improves the taste of tea.” said.


Timing is important: According to British experts, if you are drinking tea, soaking it in water for 2 minutes is enough for black tea. This time will help the full flavor of the black tea to pass into the water. However, if you are brewing tea in a teapot or in larger sizes, 18-20 minutes is the ideal time for brewing.

According to Husted, one trick is to finish the tea as it is made. “The tea left in the teapot shrinks more and becomes bitter,” Husted says. said.

Additional suggestion: If you want to mix milk and tea like the British, you can put the tea first and add the milk to it, wait for 4 minutes and consume it…
