How not to peel after a sunburn? Tips to avoid the snakeskin effect

How not to peel after a sunburn Tips to avoid

Often, after a sunburn, we have peeling skin. Good news: there are effective tips and solutions to prevent the skin from flaking.

After a sunburn, the superficial skin layer generally peels off in the form of scales called “dead skin”. That’s what we call desquamation. This phenomenon of cell renewal of the epidermis results in peeling skin. What can be done to prevent this process? Advice from a pharmacist.

1. Moisturize your skin well

Skin hydration must begin at least 2 weeks before the start of theSun exposure and continue throughout the risk period. For this, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream morning and evening on the body and another on the face. If your skin is too dry, you should opt for a rich moisturizer.

2. Apply after-sun milk

After sun exposure, applying a thick layer of after-sun milk to the body and face can accelerate the healing process through its restorative action. It is advisable to repeat the operation several times a day until the skin has healed.

3. Apply aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is a good skin repairer. Alternating with after-sun milk, the application of aloe gel is also beneficial to accelerate healing. Likewise, it has moisturizing properties by compensating for water loss. Once applied, you should not expose yourself to the sun at the risk of greatly aggravating the burns.

4. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water throughout the day is essential to contribute to the hydration of the skin and avoid accelerated drying. Remember to take a bottle of water when you go out in the sun. The recommended amount is 1.5 liters of water per day.

5. Avoid sun exposure

The skin burned by the sun is weakened, it is therefore recommended not to re-expose yourself to the sun in the days that follow at the risk of making the burns more serious. To protect burned areas, cover them with cotton clothing. For uncovered areas, apply SPF 50 sunscreen.

6. Avoid hot showers and baths

Indeed, hot water makes the skin even drier and promotes its desquamation.

7. Not washing with a washcloth

The toilet of the burned areas must be carried out with his hands and not with a washcloth which further irritates the skin. For the same reason, do not scratch with fingernails even if you feel itchy.

8. Take a break from foundation

For the toilet, choose soft and unscented hygiene products so as not to attack the skin. Washing gels and oils are preferable soaps that dry out the skin barrier. In people who wear make-up, theapplication of foundation should be avoided on sunburn to allow the skin to breathe and regenerate faster.

9. Exfoliate before (but not after)

To remove dead skin and prevent skin peeling, it is beneficial to exfoliate the face and on the body 1 to 2 times a week, starting 2 to 4 weeks before sun exposure. Once the sunburn has set in, it is not recommended to exfoliate at the risk of further irritating the skin and causing it to peel.

10. Use sunscreen for prevention

Even if sunscreen does not prevent sunburn, it will limit the intensity of the burn and therefore the risk of peeling. An application in large quantity renewed every 2 hours plays a good preventive role.
