How much turmeric should be consumed? How to use turmeric powder, what are the benefits?

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Turmeric is a herbaceous perennial plant distributed from South Asia. It is the underground roots of the plant we know as turmeric. This bitter-tasting plant has often been used in local doctor’s treatments in history. It has spread to Europe with its use in digestive problems in history. Apart from the vitamins and minerals it contains, its main active ingredient is the curcumin component. Today, the benefits of this component have been proven by scientific studies. This situation has increased the consumption of turmeric. The consumption of turmeric as a vitamin supplement with rich vitamin C, vitamin A has become widespread. So, how to use powdered turmeric, which can be used after washing, drying and cleaning?

How to consume fresh turmeric?

Apart from powdered turmeric, the root of the turmeric plant is also one of the parts that can be consumed. Since fresh turmeric, which can create different consumption methods, is used without processing, it has much richer contents than powdered turmeric. Since the amount of curcumin it contains will be higher, it will be easier to reach its benefits if it is consumed adequately. Fresh turmeric can be consumed by peeling the skin and the rest can be consumed differently. For example, peeled turmeric can be sliced ​​or grated and put into various foods such as salads and soups. Meat dishes can be blended with the help of a sauce prepared with grated turmeric and healthy and delicious results can be obtained. In addition to these, its use in salads is underlined as consumption advice. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is fat-soluble, and therefore, the uptake of curcumin in turmeric can be optimized by using grated turmeric in a salad containing natural oil.

How to use powdered turmeric?

Turmeric can be consumed as a spice in various dishes and even as a tea, usually as a powder. Powdered turmeric obtained by drying and pulverizing turmeric is used as a spice. Powdered turmeric, which can be used as a spice in various dishes, has a sharp taste, so it will be sufficient to add it in small amounts. In addition, powdered turmeric can be consumed by adding it to milk or yogurt. Another use of powdered turmeric is in turmeric tea. Turmeric tea can be drunk by brewing a teaspoon of turmeric powder in boiling water. The more it is brewed, the sharper the flavor will be.

How much turmeric should be consumed?

In case of excessive consumption of turmeric, it may cause more harm than good. For this reason, its consumption should be to a certain extent. Although turmeric is a panacea, excessive consumption can cause nausea, headaches, diarrhea and gas problems. The recommended consumption amount of turmeric is 1 tablespoon, ie 6-8 grams per day.

The benefits of turmeric, which is a store of vitamins and minerals, can be listed as follows:

  • Thanks to the curcumin in turmeric, the healing of wounds is accelerated.
  • It shows a natural antioxidant effect.
  • It is good for throat infection in acute respiratory disease.
  • It can prevent shortness of breath when used adequately and correctly.
  • Its antioxidant properties also improve cardiovascular health.
  • It has a healing effect on brain functions.
  • It has been concluded that it is good for some neurological disorders by repairing neurons.
  • It contributes to the development of intelligence.
  • It acts as a pain reliever. There are research results that turmeric relieves headaches or joint pains.
  • When consumed with food as a spice with the vitamins and minerals it contains, it has a positive effect on intestinal health.
  • Turmeric is rich in B group vitamins. Especially vitamin B6 increases the release of serotonin.
  • Turmeric tea can be consumed against unhappiness from the effects of depression.
  • It prevents cancer cells from multiplying by disrupting the DNA in the healthy cell structure.
  • The curcumin in its content fights cancer with this function.

What are the harms of turmeric?

Turmeric can be very beneficial in sufficient and regular consumption. In terms of health, it is important to include the spice or root itself on our tables. However, excessive consumption can have side effects. It is recommended that individuals with various ailments, pregnant women and nursing mothers consume turmeric in consultation with specialist doctors. At the same time, turmeric is a product that can cause allergic reactions. Excessive consumption can cause various harms. It is beneficial to consume at a certain level. The harms of turmeric, which can have a place in meals and drinks:

  • Turmeric is an herb that can provide iron absorption in the body. If there is an iron deficiency condition, the consumption of turmeric can harm the individual.
  • If there is a problem with the gallbladder, the consumption of turmeric can cause serious harm. It is never recommended for these people to consume without consulting their doctor.
  • Powdered turmeric increases the acidity of the stomach. For this reason, the rate of use of those who suffer from ulcer and reflux should be low.
  • Curcumin lowers blood sugar levels in addition to its many benefits. However, the use of powdered turmeric by individuals with low blood levels requires great care.
