How does stomach ache go? What causes stomach pain?

Stomach pain is a common ailment that people may encounter at some point in their lives. Stomach pain is a feeling of discomfort or pain in the stomach area and can occur for many different reasons. The digestive system has a complex structure for breaking down, digesting and absorbing food, and any disruption to this process can lead to stomach pain. While stomach pain can usually be a symptom of a digestive system problem, it can sometimes be a sign of other health problems. That’s why it’s important to understand the symptom of stomach pain and make the correct diagnosis.

Stomach pain is an uncomfortable condition that can negatively affect daily life. Fortunately, in many cases we can take some steps to relieve or completely relieve stomach pain. First of all, it is important to determine what are the causes of stomach pain. If stomach pain is mild and short-lived and is caused by a problem with the digestive system, some home remedies can provide relief. Here are the methods that can answer the question of what is good for stomach pain:

  • Rest and Stress Management: Stress and anxiety can be triggers for stomach pain. That’s why resting techniques and stress management methods can help relieve stomach pain. You can try stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises.
  • Hot Water or Herbal Teas: Drinking a glass of hot water or herbal tea can relieve stomach pain. Peppermint, chamomile or ginger tea, in particular, can help relax the digestive system.
  • Diet: Many people who experience stomach pain face problems caused by wrong eating habits. Factors such as eating fast food, consuming excessively fatty or spicy foods, soda or caffeine intake can increase stomach pain. By creating a balanced and regular diet, you can relax the stomach and reduce pain.
  • Resting the Stomach: It is important to rest your stomach when you experience stomach pain. For this, you can choose light foods. It may be beneficial to choose foods that are easily digestible and do not tire the stomach, such as fibrous foods, yoghurt, and cooked vegetables.
  • Medicines: You can use over-the-counter (OTC) antacids or medications that reduce stomach acid to relieve stomach pain. However, in case of long-term or chronic stomach pain, it is important to consult a doctor.

The causes and severity of stomach pain can vary from person to person, so it’s important to see a healthcare professional in case of prolonged or severe stomach pain. A specialist can recommend specific treatments or medications and identify the underlying problem.

What causes stomach pain?

Stomach pain is a common health problem with many possible causes, which can be caused by different factors. Here are some common factors that can cause stomach pain:

  • Digestive System Problems: Problems with the digestive system can lead to stomach pain. Conditions such as gastritis (stomach inflammation), ulcers (stomach or duodenal ulcers), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause stomach pain. These conditions are usually associated with excessive secretion of stomach acid, inflammation, or damage to the gastrointestinal wall.
  • Food poisoning: Food poisoning occurs when contaminated or spoiled food or water is consumed. Infections caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites can cause symptoms such as stomach pain, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting. Food poisoning usually heals on its own, but supportive treatments with plenty of fluids and proper nutrition may be required.
  • Gallstones: Gallstones are solid pieces that form in the gallbladder. When these stones get stuck in the bile ducts, they can cause stomach pain and severe cramps in the abdomen. Gallstones are often associated with gallbladder-related problems and may often require surgical intervention.
  • Bowel Problems: Intestinal problems can also cause stomach pain. Conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and intestinal obstruction can cause stomach pain and abdominal discomfort. These conditions are usually caused by inflammation, infection, or structural problems in the intestines.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Stress, worry and anxiety are factors that have negative effects on the digestive system. When you are under intense stress, the secretion of stomach acid can increase and the digestive process can be disrupted. This can result in stomach pain, indigestion, and abdominal discomfort.
  • Other Factors: Many other factors can also contribute to stomach pain. These include malnutrition, alcohol consumption, smoking, overeating, wrong food combinations, allergic reactions, infections, medication side effects, and certain medical conditions.

Stomach pain can be caused by a variety of reasons and can be different for each individual. If stomach pain persists for a long time or is severe, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.

Is stomach pain a symptom of corona?

Stomach pain is not among the symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) infection. COVID-19 is often associated with symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle and joint aches, headache, loss of taste and smell. However, the symptoms can be different for each individual and in some rare cases, digestive system symptoms, especially stomach disorders such as diarrhea or abdominal pain, may also occur. However, stomach pain alone is not considered a symptom of COVID-19. If individuals with suspected COVID-19 experience stomach pain along with other symptoms, they should contact their healthcare provider and have the necessary tests done.

What causes persistent stomach pain?

Persistent stomach pain is a long-term or recurrent condition and can be a sign of a serious health problem. This condition can be caused by a variety of reasons and requires medical evaluation. Underlying causes may include digestive system diseases such as gastritis, ulcer, reflux disease, gallstones, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition, stomach cancer, intestinal tumors or infections in other organs can also cause stomach pain that does not go away. It is important to consult a healthcare professional in case of persistent stomach pain to determine the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Providing the specialist with information about the duration and severity of symptoms, accompanying symptoms, and personal health history can assist in the diagnosis process.
