How do electoral campaigns manage to be digitized?

How do electoral campaigns manage to be digitized

In an election campaign, addressing your audience at meetings and distributing leaflets in public places is no longer enough. Today, political life is taking technological devices by storm to deploy the scope of its message to voters. Digital is becoming unavoidable.

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Digital tools and social networks have gradually transformed into persuasive devices intended to bring politics to life at any time of the day and night, seven days a week. And for the actors in the field, these innovations also promise great prospects for make their voices heard.

Digital, now essential

For several years, and in particular with the election of Barack Obama in 2008, the political sector has also integrated the Digital Marketing in its processes to communicate with its audience and hope to increase its share of voters. But today, organizing citizen actions and building a committed movement is no longer confined to the creation of a Facebook page.

A digital presence strategy must be put in place to ensure the proximity expected by citizens but also to ensure more competitiveness: it will be to whoever is the most innovative and the most unifying.

Through this controlled digitization (because it is not a question of publishing anything and everything), authenticity and transparency take precedence. For those involved in civic life, it is an opportunity to promote a more open policy and to initiate a dialogue with young voters who do not necessarily use the traditional media (television, radio, newspapers) to learn about the political news.

Just use these tools digital wisely. Have a coherent speech. Listen to the desires, expectations and needs of the audience by analyzing the comments or messages received. Or stay flexible and don’t be afraid to direct the campaign according to the data and feedback collected. These are actions that will have the effect of putting in place a strategy that will lead to the maximum dissemination of ideas, sometimes opening the debate but above all encouraging Internet users to make decisions.

Another important element: time planning. Especially in our time when our attention is solicited from all sides and sometimes makes us indifferent to certain news. It then becomes necessary to inscribe the crucial stages of communication in time so that the ideas endure in the minds of the public and in the long term, are expressed at the ballot box.

Applications make it their favored cause

And to facilitate this digital transition, innovative companies have embarked on the development of mobilization platforms. Because yes, invest your communication efforts in a political campaign software makes it possible to reconcile actions, commitment and results!

Polls have given way to dashboards that allow you to view socio-economic data, perform cross-analysis, create an itinerary strategy for door-to-door meetings or even organize phoning with scripts pre-prepared. And the benefits are many:

  • reach more people while controlling your budget;
  • gain in efficiency and results;
  • make better use of your time: less to manage the organization and more to move on to really concrete actions;
  • controlling and qualifying contacts;
  • collect and analyze data to be able to perform better in the field;
  • raise awareness more broadly;
  • build a relationship of trust and proximity with the interlocutors;
  • enjoy a real experience that will lead to the knowledge of the public.

The whole point of this software for election campaigns is to define objectives to be achieved with levels and feedback before making decisions: continue in this direction or change the strategy to make it more efficient.

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