Hot weather increases your risk of heart attack

Hot weather increases your risk of heart attack

With the warm weather getting closer and closer, the diseases caused by the heat started to scare. Especially in Ramadan, people with chronic diseases should be careful about hot weather and hunger when going out. Specialist, who warns those who have chronic diseases, few days before the start of Ramadan. Dr. Gül stated that it is necessary to go out in the shade, to eat lighter than in winter and to consume a lot of water.


Stating that the most common cause of death in the world and in Turkey is heart disease, Cardiology Specialist Dr. Çetin Gül stated that heart disease has doubled during the fight against the Kovid-19 epidemic. Considering that there are around four hundred thousand deaths per year in our country, 35-40 percent of them are caused by coronary artery disease, Dr. Gul drew attention to the fact that coronary artery diseases doubled with the pandemic in Thrace Region and Edirne. Stating that the most important deadly pair of risk factors for coronary artery disease are diabetes and smoking, Dr. Gül also clarified the rumors that the Kovid-19 vaccine increases the risk of heart attack.

Vaccines do not increase heart attack


Emphasizing that there is no study that the vaccines applied in the fight against the Kovid-19 epidemic increase the heart attack and blood clotting event, Dr. Gül said, “As you all know, during the pandemic period, our country was closed to home for a few years. Those who did sports stopped their sports. The habit of eating and drinking was broken due to the stress of the pandemic. There was a restriction of movement. No one can walk or travel as much as before. there was a weight gain, loss of movement, inactivity during the year. An anxiety, stress disorder developed. Did it happen to me too? I contacted him, it was positive, did you have a mask or not? There was a two-fold increase in arterial disease.”



Cardiology Specialist Dr., who warns those who have chronic diseases before the upcoming Ramadan month. Çetin Gül pointed out that the risk of heart attack increases due to the rise in air temperatures. Expressing that the density of cardiology outpatient clinics has doubled fifteen days before Ramadan, Dr. Gül said, “When the ball is thrown or the call to prayer is read, we would like you to come to an emergency room and see. “Unfortunately, we cannot prevent this in any way even if they ask us. We have elderly patients. We recommend those with heart and other chronic diseases to go out in the shade, eat lighter foods and consume a lot of water compared to the winter months,” he said.
