Horsetail: benefits and contraindications of this plant

Horsetail benefits and contraindications of this plant

Horsetail is a plant with many health benefits (capsule or herbal tea), especially in cases of osteoarthritis. Consumed in excess, it causes side effects. What are the contraindications?

Field horsetail where “rat tail” is a plant that grows in damp places such as meadows or marshes. It contains important minerals like silicon, magnesium and potassium. These minerals help strengthen our bones, our hair and our nails. Due to its properties, it has benefits for health and in particular in case of arthritis pain. It can be used in herbal tea or capsule. It is important to note that horsetail can cause Side effects if used excessively. It is therefore best to consult a health professional before using it. What are the benefits of horsetail? What are the contraindications?

Definition: what is horsetail?

Horsetail, also called “field horsetail” or “rat’s tail” (in Latin “Equisetum arvense“) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Equisetaceae. It includes fertile stems and sterile (green) stems, the latter being recognizable by their tapering leaves in whorls, in the form of a collarette. This one grows in humid environments and in clay-siliceous soils. “The Field Horsetail is to ne not to be confused with the highly toxic marsh horsetail, warns Sabine Monnoyeur, naturopath. As for its composition, horsetail may contain up to 70% soluble silica. “She is too rich in potassium chloride, vitamin C, tannins, saponins, iron oxide, flavonoids, manganese, sulfur and magnesium“, comments the naturopath.

Photo of field horsetail © Ruckszio – Adobestock

What are the benefits of horsetail?

Horsetail can be used for its properties remineralizing, diuretics And anti-inflammatories. “It is one of the best allies of the kidneys: it acts against urinary stones, renal colic, cystitis, prostatitis”, says the naturopath. It is used for:

  • to treat osteoporosis (adjuvant treatment),
  • promote the consolidation of bones following a fracture,
  • relieve swelling and pain caused by superficial trauma,
  • accelerate healing benign wounds,
  • treat pain associated with osteoarthritis and tendonitis,
  • it also improves theresistance of fragile nails and hair,
  • treat them urinary tract infections,
  • facilitates weight loss in addition to dietary measures

According to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), horsetail is recognized for its traditional use in the treatment of urinary disorders benign. Horsetail is registered with the French Pharmacopoeia. “It is also haemostatic: it helps to stop bleeding, because it promotes coagulation. Although the shepherd’s purse is better, one can try it in case of heavy periods to regulate the flow”adds the specialist.

Is horsetail good for osteoarthritis?

horsetail can be used to treat pain related to osteoarthritis.

Horsetail destroys vitamin B1

Sterile aerial parts of the plant are used: they are harvested in summer. They must be immersed in boiling water, and let infuse. Horsetail also exists in capsules in the form of dietary supplements. A horsetail infusion can be prepared by boiling water and adding a few leaves or stems of the dried plant. Leave to infuse for about 10 minutes, then filter the infusion before drinking it.

What are the contraindications of horsetail?

The use of horsetail is contraindicated for people suffering fromedema caused by heart disease Or renal and to children, when used in powder form (dried horsetail). Given its diuretic effects, it should also be used with caution when taking a drug or another plant with similar properties. Horsetail can cause significant loss of potassium, and its use should be avoided when taking a drug with a similar effect such as certain drugs used to treat heart rhythm disorders (digitalics), and certain psychotropic drugs used to treat bipolar disorders (lithium). “Otherwise, we avoid it of course among the children, pregnant and lactating women or also in case of cancer”, explains the specialist.

What are the side effects of horsetail?

Among the possible side effects of taking horsetail:

  • of the digestive disorders minors,
  • allergic dermatitis (buttons),
  • a vitamin B1 deficiency if excessive consumption

“Horsetail destroys vitamin B1, so it should be taken for a short period or if you need a long-term cure, then consider supplementing with B1″, nuances the specialist. Never forget that plants are not trivial remedies, although respect the dosages And seek advice from a pharmacist specialist in case of doubt.

Thank you Sabine Monnoyeur, naturopath.
