Gertjan te Hoonte from the largest opposition party VVD: “Is it not the conclusion that the municipality is a bad landlord here?” Berdien de Wilt from coalition party D66: “It’s a harrowing situation.” Maarten van Heuven (Party for the Animals): “We are a bad landlord and we put people on the street, if a commercial landlord would do, then we would stand on our rear legs, we would call it rogue and maybe even one Huisjespilker. ” Kirsten Alblas (ChristenUnie) calls it: “an ugly image”. Jantine Zwinkels (CDA): “I think it’s a defeat.” And Cees Bos (Stadsbelang Utrecht): “It’s a scandal.” Responsible alderman De Vries joined: “My reflection is that the situation is painful and I don’t want to brush that away at all.”
Hope for residents Ravellaan, alderman De Vries under fire