Hitachi Energy’s billion-dollar deal completed – the company’s CEO and minister in Ludvika to celebrate

– Hitachi Energy has been awarded one of Sweden’s largest export deals of all time, and that is something that I want to draw attention to and celebrate, says Minister for Aid and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell (M).

Hitachi Energi already announced the deal a month ago but now confirms that the contracts for power transmission equipment for offshore wind power are complete. Facilities are to be built both in the Baltic Sea and in the North Sea. Most of the equipment will be manufactured in Ludvika.

A lot of staff is required

Hitachi Energi High Voltage Products in Ludvika has already told us that they have a great need to hire new staff.
Today the company announced that they need to hire a total of 2,000 new people in Sweden in order to meet demand. At least 1,000 are linked to the record deal.
