Here’s Pussy Riot’s New Music Video: ‘May Rekindle Interest’

After several high-profile protests and prison sentences, a majority of Pussy Riot has fled Russia and is wanted by Russian authorities.

For example, member Lyusya Shtein, who escaped from her house arrest in Moscow in the days after the invasion of Ukraine, became an international wanted on November 7 this year.

“Pussy Riot is a thing of the past”

In today’s Russia, the artistic or intellectual struggle against the Russian regime is no longer widespread. That’s why Pussy Riot is in many ways out of the minds of ordinary Russians, says Bert Sundström.

– One of the big points in Putin’s rule is that there should be no voices of importance who oppose what Putin decides.

Difficult to influence the Russian people from the outside

Therefore, Bert Sundström finds it difficult to see how the artists’ group’s work has any impact anymore, and whether anyone will care, in the increasingly authoritarian Russia.

– It is only forces inside Russia that have any chance of having an impact in their criticism.

Hear SVT’s Bert Sundström’s analysis of the music video above or watch the entire episode of Kriget i week here.
