Here are Cristina Cordula’s tips for successful shopping

Here are Cristina Cordulas tips for successful shopping

Cristina Cordula, the presenter of the show “Les Reines du shopping” on M6, also a stylist and image consultant, gave us valuable advice on how to shop efficiently. Follow the leader.

When the queen of shopping herself gives us her vouchers shopping tipsthey are applied religiously. Cristina Cordulapresenter of the famous show Shopping Queens on M6, also stylist and image consultant, gave us all her tips exclusively.

Journal des Femmes: How to dress for shopping?
Cristina Cordula: The best is to come with a top and a bottom. On the other hand, you should avoid all-in-one outfits, such as dresses or jumpsuits. Because when I’m wearing a dress, I have to take my whole thing off every time I try on a piece. For example, if I try on a top, I have to take off my dress, so I can’t get out of the dressing room to look at myself in the mirror, because I’m missing a bottom. And the opposite problem arises if I try on a skirt or pants… For shoes, we forget the lace up boots and lees waders that take hours to put on and waste time. We opt instead for sneakers or boots, which are easy to take off and put back on. In fact, the idea is to find a practical and stylish outfit !

How to organize your shopping session?
The imperative is to go shopping according to his needs. Sometimes we just want to buy, so we buy clothes that we never put on because the purchase was not considered. So before going to the checkout, we ask ourselves and we wonder if we have really need of such and such a piece, we reflect on what is missing in our wardrobe. I really like do sorting with my clients. Analyze the dresses, jeans, jackets, T-shirts, check that they are in good condition, that they correspond to the morphology of the woman in front of me… It is important to do a review of her dressing room, because shopping should be meant to be. Then, in the store, you have to find the jeans that suit me, the dress that flatters me, the right belt… With particular care given to buying the jacket, it is she who finishes the outfit. Imagine a jogging + T-shirt look and add a jacket: it immediately makes the look elegant.

What to pay attention to during the fittings?
To my morphology! Before my shopping session, I take time to look at myself in the mirror and determine my figure. Am I an A, an 8, a V, an H? And then I dress accordingly…
