Here are 6 good reasons to eat starchy foods according to our nutritionist

Here are 6 good reasons to eat starchy foods according

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    in collaboration with

    Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad (dietitian nutritionist)

    Medical validation:
    January 30, 2024

    Are you avoiding starchy foods? Big mistake! Pasta, rice and even bread are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad, dietitian-nutritionist, gives us 6 good reasons to consume it every day.

    Rice, wheat, corn, rye but also lentils, beans, split peas… Starchy foods are numerous and varied. A true “fuel” for the body, these so-called complex carbohydrates not only provide energy throughout the day, but they are also full of vitamins and minerals. It would therefore be a shame to deprive ourselves of it, as our dietitian-nutritionist reminds us.

    “Starchy foods are full of good nutrients”

    We can never repeat it enough: starchy foods provide elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

    Slowly assimilated carbohydrates, proteins, soluble and insoluble fibers, calcium, magnesium, zinc but also B group vitamins“, confides Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad.

    They are high in carbohydrates

    Should we remember it? Carbohydrates are not our enemies.

    Thanks to the carbohydrates they contain, starchy foods constitute an essential source of energy, which is absolutely necessary for the functioning of our cells… Energy to think and exercise, which also allows us to keep up with the rhythm of the day without any problems. tiredness“, assures the nutrition expert.

    They are filling

    Yet another advantage of starchy foods: they increase the feeling of satiety.

    Starchy foods are filling. They allow you to go between meals without the risk of wanting to snack“, confirms Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad.

    They constitute an interesting source of protein

    This is perhaps the least known advantage… But yes, starchy foods (also) contain protein!

    If you decide to opt for a more plant-based diet, know that starchy foods constitute an interesting source of protein which compensates for the fact of providing less if you limit meat and/or fish for example.“, assures the dietician-nutritionist.

    They lower stress levels

    Did you know ? Starchy foods allow you to relax.

    Eating starchy foods helps reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone. So, yes, eating starchy foods relaxes!“, says Vanessa Bedjaï-Haddad.

    They provide essential fibers to the body

    Starchy foods are a good source of fiber for the body.

    Eating starchy foods, especially if they are whole foods, provides essential fiber for the balance of intestinal transit and the balance of the intestinal microbiota. Fiber helps limit the glycemic index of meals and limit fat assimilation“, relates the expert.

    Therefore, “Removing starchy foods from your meals has no benefit either for your health or for your figure. It’s even the best way to have cravings, fatigue, concentration problems and even low morale.”
