“He will work for me until he drops dead.”

A Canadian player of The Sims has unveiled his creation in “The Sims 4” that he created 9 years ago: an efficient but cruel place where the nice virtual people work until they drop dead. Six workers enable two capitalists to live a lavish life.

That is the situation:

  • The Sims is a computer game series that began in 2000. Will Wright envisioned a life simulation in which characters could go to work, earn money, and afford an increasingly comfortable life. They also fall in love, maintain social contacts and pursue their hobbies: they have a full life.
  • But in 2015, a Canadian player created a family called “My Sweatshop Family” in “The Sims 4” and sent them into a life of nothing but work and torment.
  • People look with fascination at his creation, which he shares in a series of screenshots on Twitter.
  • The Sims 4 is a service game that has been further developed with numerous updates and expansions over the years, making it a cash cow for Electronic Arts:

    The Sims 4 – Trailer for the High School Years expansion

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    What is life like for a Sim in their sweatshop? The Canadian used his meager entry fee to build two separate buildings:

  • An absolutely barren factory with 6 single beds, a kitchen and 6 workstations with a PC
  • A luxuriously furnished bedroom with a double bed
  • Novels and screenplays are written on an assembly line

    The player says: He says he designed the sparsely furnished work area after his last job. Here he forced his slaves to write novels and screenplays so that he could earn a lot of money in royalties every morning.

    One of his slaves died after just 20 minutes:

    “He got off easy, I think,” says the Canadian.

    To further humiliate his “slaves,” the player made them wear hot dog costumes.

    The rich and famous live on the left, the sweating masses on the right.

    Workers toil so that the elite can live in luxury

    What happened next? The player said: He quickly realized that writing scripts brought in very little money. So he had her make paintings instead and sold them.

    Writing novels or painting pictures are actually “creative hobbies” in The Sims 4. As a byproduct, Sims become better at these skills and the objects they create become more valuable.

    In the meantime, with the money that the downtrodden workers accumulated, he continued to expand the beautiful part of the house and bought a piano, while the jobs remained meager and miserable.

    He will only work for me, never go to school

    And what happened when they got older?? The Sims got older.

    The player decided: The workers would then just die. While the “hot red-headed baroness” can afford the life serum to stay young forever.

    So what to do? The player set up a “hot dog breeding chamber” to provide offspring.

    The workers then had children, but the boss was tough. They would never go to school, but would “work for him until they dropped dead.”

    Tweet with the lives of the Sims goes viral

    That’s what lies behind it. This is a bitter satire of the basic idea of ​​The Sims. Normally, the aim is for the family to lead a balanced life and have fun, like in a role-playing game.

    The player here uses The Sims to criticize society: the masses work themselves to death while the selected elite live in luxury.

    Apparently he hit a nerve, as you can see from the many positive comments.

    They say that it’s not all that far-fetched, that many companies actually work like this.

    The Sims founded a genre, the life simulation, but there haven’t been that many alternatives in recent years. That could perhaps change, because “Sims-like” games could become a new trend: a game on Steam could be exactly what I, as a Sims fan, have wanted for years
