Heavy fire in Skara – residents warned

Heavy fire in Skara residents warned

A building in a leisure facility in Skara is on fire. The public is encouraged to go indoors.

It was at 04.40 this morning as it was about an alarm about a fire in the leisure facility called Petersburg in Skara.

– It will not be possible to save, says Conny Johansson, duty officer at Samhällsskydd Mellersta Skaraborg to SVT Nyheter Väst.

According to the rescue management, no one has been in the building, which is only used during the day.

Due to the fact that residential buildings are located about 100 meters from the fire, an important notice to the public (VMA) has been issued. Everyone in the Sörenskogen area is encouraged to go indoors and close doors, windows and ventilation.
