Heart attack: this sleep disorder which affects 30% of the population would double the risk

Heart attack this sleep disorder which affects 30 of the

The risk of having a heart attack is increased by 48% in people who suffer from this sleep disorder. according to a study published in PLOS One.

Sleeping well is important to being fit and healthy. We know it. On the other hand, the impact of sleep on cardiovascular health specifically is not always concrete. A study published in the journal PLOS One in September 2023 demonstrates in numbers THE consequences of poor sleep on the health of the heart and arteries. And it’s rather worrying… According to the Pakistani and American authors, a common sleep disorder – since it affects 30% of the population world- is associated with a increase significant death and heart problems. This disorder is none other than: insomnia. Based on the observation that few meta-analytic studies (combining several analyses) have been carried out to evaluate the cardiovascular data of patients presenting symptoms of insomnia, they reviewed 21 studies observational studies to carry out a first meta-analysis on the subject. Upon arrival, these scientists found that people medically diagnosed as “insomniacs” and those presenting with symptoms related to insomnia (but who have never consulted for) have:

  • A risk increased by 48% to undergo a heart attack
  • a risk of cardiovascular death 53% higher than those who sleep normally
  • a risk of deaths from all causes increased by 31%
  • and an 14% increased incidence of developing cardiovascular disease

They recall that insomnia is a disorder characterized by:

  • difficulty falling asleep,
  • difficulty staying asleep
  • difficulty getting quality sleep

“Clinicians must assess cardiovascular risks”

“In patients with such symptoms, clinicians should assess cardiovascular risks and adapt interventions accordingly” they indicated in their conclusions. For them, treating sleep disorders is not enough. “Assessment of additional coexisting cardiovascular risks, such as coronary heart disease and smokingshould influence therapy and clinical decision making.“They believe that observational studies, taking into account cardiovascular risk factors, sleep disorders such asSleep Apneaand the comorbidities basic are necessary to provide a better understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms. In the meantime, insomniacs should consult to manage their sleep disorder and preserve their heart health.
