Healing when mixed with honey turns into poison when consuming its core!

Healing when mixed with honey turns into poison when consuming

Quince helps in the fight against anemia, liver disease, cardiovascular diseases, eye disease, asthma and other respiratory diseases, and cystitis with its anti-allergenic properties. It contains polyphenolic compounds, which are very powerful antioxidants.

These compounds fight free radicals and slow down the aging process. They also protect against cardiovascular disease and the risk of stroke. Dietitian Pınar Demirkaya gave information about the subject.

MIX quince with honey

Used for peptic ulcers, quince mixed with honey and consumed is ideal for colitis, diarrhea, intestinal infections and constipation. In China, especially quince peel is used in the treatment of ulcers, and jelly consisting of soaked and boiled quince seeds is used to relieve eye problems, mucous membrane inflammations and even sore throats.


quince is a potent antioxidant

Some studies show that quince helps to destroy bad cancer cells with the strong antioxidants it contains, and quince juice is effective in individuals struggling with stress. Quince prevents nausea and vomiting, is a fruit that relieves morning sickness. In a Japanese study, it was determined that anti-viral substances in quince peel inhibit the growth of organisms that cause Hepatitis A, B and C.


quince strengthens the immune system

It is claimed that the vitamins and minerals in quince stimulate liver functions and play an auxiliary role in the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency. It is of great importance to strengthen the immune system, as the possibility of illness increases in cold weather. It strengthens the immune system. Quince is protective and curative against many diseases, from cancer to intestinal disorders, from joint pain to coughs, with its rich structure of vitamins A, B, C and potassium. Quince is a health store in terms of polyphenolic compounds, antioxidant compounds, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.


THE EFFECT OF quince in skin care

100 grams of quince contains vitamin C, which will meet 25 percent of the daily need. Quince strengthens immunity and helps to keep cholesterol in balance. Quince tea or quince juice helps in the treatment of skin wounds, acne and spots. Astringent (substances used to shrink the mucosa in poisonings that occur through the digestive tract) compounds that make up the fleshy part of the quince are known as tannins. These tannins are catechin and epicatechin, they bind cancer-causing chemicals in the large intestine, protecting the mucous membrane against cancers, diverticulitis (mucous hernia) and inflammatory (inflammatory) bowel disease.


Jams, jellies, sauces, puddings, syrups and even cakes can be made from quince.


Before cooking, be sure to remove the quince seeds. As with apples, apricots, and similar fruits, the seeds contain amygdalin, which is converted to hydrogen cyanide in the stomach. Ingestion of excessive amounts causes cyanide poisoning.
