Do white people know how to jump? Do black people know how to ski?

Do white people know how to jump Do black people

Since 1968 and the first 100m final at the Olympic Games entirely composed of black athletes, all Olympic finals, with a few exceptions, belong to Afro-descendants and Africans. We will ask the questions directly and without taboos: Are athletes of African origin genetically superior? Why are they absent from other disciplines? Is this an argument from the field of science or from scientific racism?


– Harry Mephon, sociologist, author speaker and director of Sports for the Guadeloupe region

Body and society in Guadeloupe, Sociology of competition practices. Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2007

Anthology of Guadeloupean sport – Work management. HC editions 2011.

– Stéphane Lecat, manager of the French Open Water Teams.

“Africa at stake” is also:

The portrait of an inspiring woman – 1 woman/1 destiny – Eunice Barber, Olympian, heptathlon silver medalist and long jump world champion, entrepreneur.

1 photo/1 story – The double exploit of Waco Loco, Michael Johnson, at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 and the transition from demand to affirmation of black power in American society with François Doppler-Speranza, master of lectures at the University of Lorraine in Nancy and teaching at Syracuse University. Specialist in the cultural and diplomatic history of the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries. Author of “ An army of diplomats. The American military and France (1944-1967) », at the Presses universitaire de Strasbourg (2021).
