Headlines: when will Macron launch?

Headlines when will Macron launch

Emmanuel Macron candidate? Well ” it’s imminent », believes to know The Dispatch. ” Since Thursday, the Elysée has been beating the drum with emails, phone calls and briefings. No journalist is now aware that this Monday and tomorrow Tuesday, the outgoing president will be visiting Creuse and Haute-Vienne. And it has not escaped anyone that he will talk about agriculture, medical deserts, public services in rural areas, before going to Oradour-Sur-Glane. A trip very far from Paris, multi-thematic, which could very well be suitable for a declaration of candidacy. »

Emmanuel Macron candidate? Well, it’s not for now “, retort The cross. The president’s limousine visit will certainly be an opportunity for Emmanuel Macron to defend his record on rurality, but certainly not the right time to declare himself. In fact, says The cross, “ the period of mid-February has been the preference of Elysée strategists for a very long time for a campaign start. In the majority, some are betting on the date of February 8. Located just over two months from the first round, this date does not have any particular symbolism, which corresponds to the president’s desire to trivialize his entry into the campaign, to make his candidacy an obvious one that does not require a solemn declaration. »

Switch to the final act

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow? February 8? ” The declaration of candidacy for the presidential election of Emmanuel Macron can arise at any time, notes for its part Liberation. It will be both a formality – no one doubts that the Head of State will run for a second term – and crucial: it will be the rocker towards the final act of this five-year term, implying in fact an acceleration of the narrative of the campaign. with all the protagonists on stage. »

So when and how? ” Proof that the deadline is approaching, point Liberation: the President put the French presidency of the European Union on track and the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, offered prospects for alleviating health constraints in the short term. Relatives and advisers of the Head of State therefore no longer have any shame in thinking aloud about the best way to present themselves. From a classic interview to a modern declaration on social networks, passing by a simple ‘yes’ in response to a question asked during one of his wanderings by a passerby or a journalist, everyone has their own opinion on the best way to confirm the obvious. »

At the center of the campaign: purchasing power

While waiting for the end of this true-false suspense, one of the hot topics of the electoral campaign will, without a doubt, be purchasing power…” This is one of the main concerns of the French at the start of the year, exclaims The Parisian. We have never paid so much for gasoline, diesel and super “, not to mention the prices of gas and electricity…” A more than delicate subject for the presidential candidates… Indeed, says the newspaper, Valérie Pécresse recognizes that there is not much more to do on electricity but proposes a tax deduction on kilometers. Jean-Luc Mélenchon promises to freeze energy prices, Marine Le Pen to lower VAT, Yannick Jadot and Anne Hidalgo to distribute fuel vouchers. It should be noted that no candidate risks the slightest costing. These measures are only stopgap measures to a problem without a satisfactory solution. »

Significant risk for Macron…

The issue of purchasing power at the heart of the presidential election “, adds Le Figaro. ” From Mélenchon to Pécresse, from Macron to Le Pen, all the contenders for the Élysée are now making it a priority. ” And “ it is for Emmanuel Macron that the risk is the greatest, estimates the newspaper, since he is an accountant of a balance sheet and he is the prisoner of a double reality that is infernal for him. The first reality is that he is held responsible for phenomena of which he is not directly guilty. The return of inflation is linked to global movements, not to national economic decisions. The second infernal logic, continues Le Figaro, comes from the fact that the Head of State hoped to be able to receive the dividends of tax and budgetary decisions objectively favorable to purchasing power: the abolition of the housing tax, the abolition of a share of social security contributions, the ‘Macron bonus’ decided after the ‘yellow vests’ crisis. But it is true for purchasing power even more than for security: personal feeling prevails over collective statistics. And what is conceded is always considered a due; and always below the necessary minimum. »
