Headlines: Joe Biden’s Meals Tour in Poland

US President Joe Biden in Poland

The President of the United States is on the front lines of supporting the countries bordering Ukraine. Fallen tie, striped shirt, open collar, Joe Biden, on the front page of Figarojust shared a pizza with the “ boys » of the 82and airborne division deployed in Poland, ” NATO ally country that has become the hub of US military support to Ukraine “, underlines this daily. Poland alone hosts “ more than half of the 3.7 million refugees who have left their country since the start of its invasion by Russia on February 24 ” last.

In Warsaw today, the American president is to deliver a speech whose Le Figaro underscores the importance, as Moscow appears to have scaled back its military objectives in Ukraine.

In fact, Russia announces that it wants to focus on the eastern Donbass region. A “first setback” after a month of conflict

This is what points in One The Parisian.The master of the Kremlin must put it down », Formulates this newspaper. But that the Ukrainians do not cry victory, enjoins this daily “ it’s too early. The conflict continues in the East. Vladimir Putin wants all of Donbass “. So ? So The Parisian wonders. ” How will the conquest in the East and the retreat in the North turn out? Will the weaknesses of the Russian army be corrected, with these ambitions revised downwards, or will they, on the contrary, be amplified? How to explain this reversal of the master of the Kremlin? “, questions this daily. ” For the first time since the start of the war, the Russian army therefore announced that it was going to concentrate its offensive on eastern Ukraine, which it intended to “liberate”, also notice Release. A strategy visible for almost ten days on the ground, even more palpable since this week when we saw the Russians bury themselves in defensive positions on the other fronts “, remark Freed.

Increased Castex discount at the pump

Consequence of the war, soaring oil prices. Consequence of the consequence in France, the next discount announced by the government on prices at the pump. All in all, it will be larger than expected. Prime Minister Jean Castex had spoken of a 15-cent discount on the price of a liter of petrol from 1er April, and this until the end of July? It will be more. “ The rebate of 15 cents per liter announced by the government will be higher for drivers in mainland France, where the boost will ultimately be 18 cents », signals The Parisian.

Why this difference? At the Department of Finance, we explain to the Parisian than ” the initial announcement had been made exclusive of tax. You must then add the VAT which is different depending on whether you are in mainland France, Corsica or the DOM-TOM for example “. CQFD.

Snatch victory for the Blues

Football finally, with the victory of France against the Ivory Coast, 2 goals to 1, during a friendly match, last night, in Marseille. Match that log The Team judged “ panting “. The sports daily found the Ivorian team ” enterprising and uninhibited “. And The Team predicts that, Tuesday evening, in Lille, against South Africa, it is likely that we will see a certain turnover of personnel (among the Blues), but this will not be a reason to change habits “.

Scorer of the winning goal, Monegasque Aurélien Tchouaméni was “ essential in midfield (and) monstrous in recovery, appreciate nice morning, he offered the victory to the Blues as a bonus thanks to an authoritarian blow of a helmet, enthuses this daily from the south-east of France. What a performance! “.
