He “recruits” his future wife from more than 5,200 Tinder profiles, thanks to chat-GPT

He recruits his future wife from more than 5200 Tinder

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    in collaboration with

    Johanna Rozenblum (clinical psychologist)

    To find the woman of his life, a young Russian would have trained chat-GPT to communicate for him with thousands of candidates from a dating app. The AI ​​would have suggested that he choose a certain Karina. But can you really seal a relationship using an algorithm?

    Romanticism is dead. At least it doesn’t exist for Aleksandr Zhadan, a young Russian who trained chat-GPT to chat for him with no less than 5,239 young women, in the hope of finding the one of his heart. Mission however succeeded since, if we are to believe his Twitter thread, he would today be engaged to a certain Karina. How is it possible ?

    Because he’s too lazy to swipe, Aleksandr launches ChatGPT

    The story begins in 2021, after the young man’s last breakup. He wants to find the shoes that fit him, but between studies and work, he hardly finds the time to meet people. As for Tinder, a dating app, it bores him. Aleksandr is not comfortable conversing with strangers. “I decided to simplify communication with girls via GPT. In 2022, my friend and I gained access to the GPT-3 API (ChatGPT didn’t exist yet) in order to log messages “scripted” via GPT in Tinder.he explains.

    And suffice to say that the man, more geek than smooth talker, spares no effort… Behind the screen. After beginnings and failures, Aleksandr becomes a pro at what works for him via the app.

    5,239 women targeted by AI

    “I started tweaking ChatGPT using my cleaned-up dialogs so that it writes like me.” Then, it installs photo recognition, adds elimination criteria: the absence of text in the candidate profile, the mention of a religion or a zodiac sign, or the fact of not liking hiking . Before launching discussions of which he will print a summary before going to the selected meetings. To optimize the chances of compatibility, Aleksandr is developing an algorithm sharing information about his childhood, his parents, his values ​​and life goals. The process allows him to meet many women: “I felt like a dream job candidate with multiple offers.” In total, via chat-GPT, Aleksander converses with 5,239 women.

    “Digital help” which allowed him to meet Karina

    Ultimately, Chat GPT targets Karina: “tvery empathetic, cheerful, pretty, independent and always on the move. Simply put, HER!” Certainly she seems to match him in every way but the young man once again asks his faithful AI to converse for him. This time, the mission is to keep the contact as pleasant as possible.

    “Don’t argue, offer her activities. Improve my relationship with Karina” lance Aleksandr with your fingertips, as instructions. Until the final request “Suggest me a plan for a girl to accept a marriage proposal, taking into account her characteristics and discuss with her.” Bingo, Karina, touched, accepts his request. The story does not say, however, whether the couple has been able to speak face to face since. Or if they need to launch an app to communicate.

    Modeling the relationship is the opposite of a real encounter

    Unusual, this love story written not on marble but by AI is likely to shock Johanna Rozenblum, psychologist and member of our committee of experts.

    “Concerning relationships, I think we have just hit rock bottom! The very nature of a social relationship is that we cannot control everything, the emotions, the awkwardness, the flaws… which also make the encounter unique, touching… When we can model everything, normalize it digitally, this completely distorts the relationships and the beauty of the relationship which is by nature imperfect.”

    How can this meeting evolve? This is all the question we can ask ourselves today. And to which chat GPT will perhaps not have an answer this time.
