Hardest Game to Finish: Doom 3

Hardest Game to Finish Doom 3

The game world is constantly evolving and presenting players with new challenges. However, there is a game that is frequently mentioned in the “hardest game to finish” discussions: Doom 3.

According to the information we obtained from Steam data, as a story The hardest game to finish is Doom 3 appears as. Only 3.7% of players who purchased the game were able to complete the story. We have another interesting information: Only 40% of those who purchased Doom 3, which offers a full playing time with its 18-hour story, were able to achieve their first achievement.

Doom 3 is the Hardest Game to Finish

The Doom series is known as a legendary series that left its mark on gaming history with the release of its first game in 1993. Doom 3, the 5th game of the series, draws attention with its gameplay challenges as well as technological developments. The game was a very challenging production with its complex level designs, surprise enemy attacks and challenging boss battles.

Many game critics and experts also believe that Doom 3 deserves the title of “the hardest game to finish” in modern gaming. While the difficulty levels in the game push the player’s abilities to their limits; It also tests the player’s strategy development, quick decision-making and reflexes.

id Software, the developer of the game, has not made an official statement about the difficulty level of the game to date, but it is clear that Doom 3’s difficulty is aimed at providing a satisfying experience for players.

Doom 3 goes down in history as a game that managed to be at the top of the gaming world and made a name for itself with both its graphics and the challenges it offered. All we have to do is develop a strategy to overcome these difficulties and enjoy the adrenaline-filled moments that the game offers.

For those who want to remember the game, we can refer to our Doom 3 review article.
