GW on the indictment against Greta Thunberg: “Will be convicted”

Greta Thunberg is on trial after a sit-in demonstration in Malmö.
According to Leif GW Persson, the world-famous climate activist will be convicted in court.

On Wednesday came the news that Greta Thunberg is being prosecuted after a sit-in demonstration in the oil port in Malmö in June. Climate activists from “Take back the future!” prevented several cars and trucks from leaving the scene and when police ordered her to move and give way to traffic, she refused.

Now Thunberg is charged with disobedience to law enforcement.

GW: “Of course will be brought down”

According to criminologist and author Leif GW Persson, the world-famous 20-year-old and the other protesters will of course be tried in court. The punishment? A fine amount.

– There may be a few daily fines. In her case, I saw that she had an annual income of SEK 2,500 per year. The fine will not be many kroner, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.

Furthermore, GW says this is a classic example of civil disobedience. “Take back the future!” are worried about the future and the wetlands, where several high-profile demonstrations have taken place recently.

– It is rooted in a concern for the climate and humanity’s chances of survival. There are no financial motives or jealousy, he says.

The boot for the Koran burnings

The right to demonstrate is constitutionally protected, so why is Thunberg being prosecuted? According to GW, the right to demonstrate in Sweden is relative in such a way that it must not extend to others and endanger their safety.

He believes that this issue will become even more relevant with the Koran burnings that took place, and are planned to be carried out, in Sweden.

– Opinion fluctuates. We must not have a right to demonstrate that leads to individual or collective misery for people.

– Then, in general, I dislike burning books. It was very common in the German Third Reich. They are not counted among the more prominent democracies.

4:44 p.m

The full feature: Cease fire between the gangs in Stockholm? – GW: “Relative truce”
