GTA 6 Metacritic Page Opened, Is It Coming Out?

GTA 6 Metacritic Page Opened Is It Coming Out

There have been many leaks that GTA 6, the anticipated production of the Grand Theft Auto series, will be released in 2024. However, a development that took place yesterday hit the agenda like a bombshell. Having an important place in the industry with its game reviews Grand Theft Auto 6’s page was opened on Metacritic. The surprising development is not limited to this. Additionally, the game’s IGN page has also been opened. With the opening of the GTA 6 Metacritic page, gamers were also excited.

Expectations in the gaming industry regarding GTA 6, which will be the 8th main game of the world-famous game series GTA and the 16th game of the series in total, developed by the famous game company Rockstar Games, have been going on for years. Microsoft Many important technology and game companies, especially A.Ş., had previously stated in their predictions that the game would be released in 2024. However, a development that occurred yesterday (Wednesday, October 25) brought to the fore the possibility that the game could surprise players earlier.

Evaluating albums, plays, movies, series and TV programs; GTA 6’s page has been opened on Metacritic, which compiles the evaluations of media outlets that have comments and analysis on this subject and presents them to its followers. It is also one of the important stakeholders of the gaming industry. The game’s page on IGN opened. The fact that these transactions, which are usually carried out shortly before the games are released, are now available for GTA 6 has raised questions in mind…

Everything known about GTA 6 You can take a look here.

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What did the players say about the possibility of GTA 6 being released in 2023?

Players who have been eagerly waiting for Grand Theft Auto 6 for years expressed their excitement through posts on their personal social media accounts following these developments; Here are some of those shares:

Steam dollar exchange rate If they bring it before long, we can buy it immediately. Otherwise, at this rate, we will have to pay around 5 thousand TL for GTA 6. “If it stays until next year, our situation will be completely ruined.”

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Rockstar Games It would be a big surprise if the game is released before the end of 2023. “In the evaluations made just the other day, it was stated that it would be released in 2024.”

“Currently GTA 5 is on the list of best-selling games Waiting for GTA 6 to be released this year seems like too much optimism to me. “There may be premeditated moves to increase expectations and come to the fore, but I think we should not get too excited.”
