Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis again targeted Turkey! ‘Will not be tolerated’

Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis again targeted Turkey Will not be

Greek Prime Minister Kriyakos Mitsotakis, in his speech at the US Congress last May, requested that the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean be taken into account in the possible arms sales to Turkey. While these statements garnered a strong reaction from Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a statement after Mitsotakis’ remarks. “There is no Mitsotakis for me anymore. Let him think about the future for himself” he had spoken.


Yesterday, Greek Prime Minister Kiryakos Mitsotakis, who made a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, again targeted Turkey.


Mitsotakis said that the European Union has an obligation to prevent problems and prevent troublemakers. The Greek press described this statement. ‘Implicit sending to Turkey’ interpreted as. Mitsotakis, in his statement targeting Turkey “Greece will not tolerate any threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity” used the phrases.
