a man killed by a police officer after Macron’s visit – L’Express

a man killed by a police officer after Macrons visit

Visiting the archipelago on Thursday, May 23, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron held consultations with the different political forces. He promised that the contested electoral reform on the archipelago would “not pass in force”, but maintained the course of ending the crisis by the end of June. The separatists must communicate their position on Friday May 23, while the political situation in the archipelago remains uncertain.

Information to remember

⇒ A 7th victim in New Caledonia

⇒ Macron: New Caledonia must not become “the Wild West”

⇒ The Council of State does not suspend the blocking of TikTok

A man killed by a police officer

A 48-year-old man was killed on Friday in New Caledonia by a police officer, who had been “physically attacked” by demonstrators, announced the Nouméa prosecutor, this seventh death since the start of the crisis occurring the day after the arrival of Emmanuel Macron.

While they were driving in Dumbéa, north of Nouméa, two police officers were “physically attacked by a group of around fifteen individuals” and one of them used his weapon, explained the prosecutor Yves Dupas. The police officer, on whom marks of blows were noted, was placed in police custody.

Electoral reform “will not pass in force”

New Caledonia is in uncertainty on Friday, the day after a visit by President Emmanuel Macron, who promised that the contested electoral reform on the archipelago would not pass “in force”, but maintained the course of an exit crisis by the end of June. Arriving Thursday morning in Nouméa, the head of state held consultations with the loyalists, in favor of this reform, and the separatists, who are hostile to it.

READ ALSO: New Caledonia, story of thirty months of spiraling: misunderstandings, betrayals and appointments

This so-called “thaw” reform has ignited the powder as it plans to expand the electorate for the provincial elections. The separatists consider the way in which it has progressed unacceptable, when according to them it will dilute the weight of indigenous people in political life. “I am committed to ensuring that this reform does not pass through force,” promised Emmanuel Macron. But he asked for “the resumption of dialogue with a view to a global agreement” to grant the right to vote to more voters, by the end of June, so that “this agreement can then be submitted to the vote of Caledonians “.

Macron: New Caledonia must not become “the Wild West”

New Caledonia must not become “the Wild West”, warned President Emmanuel Macron during an interview with the local press broadcast on television on Friday. “I decided to come because we must never let violence take hold,” explained the Head of State, in an interview with the public channel Nouvelle-Calédonie La 1ère, recorded during his express visit on Thursday .

READ ALSO: Riots in New Caledonia: the underside of Azerbaijani influence

He justified the significant resources deployed, in particular the 3,000 personnel of the internal security forces, by the need for a “return to calm” because “this is not the Wild West”. “The Republic must regain authority on all points. In France, it is not everyone who defends themselves,” he added, in reference to the violent riots which have marred the French Pacific territory since the night of May 13 and to groups of militiamen who organize the defense of their neighborhoods. “There is a republican order, it is the security forces who ensure it,” he insisted, assuring that he wanted to bring the archipelago back towards the “path of appeasement”.

The President of the Republic has set an objective: “We are therefore going to take back step by step each district, each roundabout, each roadblock”. “What I am asking immediately is the lifting of all blockages, the lifting of points of violence, and that there be a clear call for these liftings. By the FNLKS, the CCAT and all those responsible,” he added.

The Council of State does not suspend the blocking of TikTok

The state of emergency established on May 16 continues to prevail, with the accompanying measures: 12-hour daily curfew, ban on gatherings, transport of weapons and sale of alcohol… The Council of The State did not suspend on Thursday the blocking of the social network TikTok in New Caledonia, decided by the government which points to its supposed role in the violence which has affected the archipelago for ten days but contested by associations and individuals. The Human Rights League, Quadrature du Net and three residents of New Caledonia filed an appeal for interim relief on May 17, considering that this blocking seriously undermined the freedoms of communication and information.

READ ALSO: Macron in New Caledonia: surprise visits, for what result?

The Council of State took into account the “limited and temporary nature of the blocking measure”, as well as the “public interest which attaches to the restoration of security”, according to the decision of which AFP had a copy . He also notes that “other social networks and media remain accessible”.

“Ready to continue the mobilization”

In the Montravel district of Nouméa, activists are waiting on Friday for an official communication from the FLNKS on “the directives concerning the continuation of the movement”. “We must also meet with the elders to discuss. For our part, we are ready to continue the mobilization since apparently the President of the Republic does not want to listen to us”, explains one of the rioters to AFP, who only gives his first name, Yamel.

READ ALSO: New Caledonia: the battles over nickel have only just begun

“We are all waiting for the FLNKS decision,” said the leader of the loyalists, Sonia Backès, on RRB radio. “An agreement is possible if everyone is in good faith […] If everyone is of good will to show that we are ready to live together on this earth, it will work,” she said.

Neighboring countries continue to repatriate their nationals

Meanwhile, life is slowly returning to life. The Bank of New Caledonia, for example, announced the reopening of five of its 18 branches on Friday. Three of them were set on fire. La Tontouta International Airport, on the other hand, will remain closed until Tuesday. Neighboring countries are working to find ways to evacuate their nationals.

The Vanuatu government said it was organizing the repatriation of some 160 students during the day on Friday, with three flights. New Zealand also said repatriation remained “an urgent priority”.

Nickel in New Caledonia: “SOS” from unions for an Eramet factory

The inter-union association of Société Le Nickel (Eramet group) in New Caledonia launched an “SOS” to employees so that they allow ore to be transported to the factory, otherwise the future of the company would be compromise, in this crucial sector of the New Caledonian economy. “The seven SLN union organizations are launching an SOS this evening to all the company’s employees,” according to an internal message sent on Wednesday, and which AFP was able to consult on Friday.

READ ALSO: New Caledonia: the battles over nickel have only just begun

“Without a resumption, in the next few days, of the loading of ore carriers in all our mining centers, the Doniambo furnaces, due to a lack of ore of sufficient quality and quantity, will be irreparably damaged and permanently stop functioning” , explained the inter-union.
