“GoT” writers wanted to see more seasons

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Although “Game of thrones” enjoyed unprecedented success worldwide, series creators David Benioff and DB Weiss chose to end the series after eight seasons.

The search for a “GoT” spinoff began already after the sixth season in 2016 when Benioff and Weiss had actually wanted to put an end to the series before it “passed its best-before date”. However, HBO urged the scriptwriters to keep the success going for two more seasons.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal writer George RR Martin says he advocated even more seasons of the series, which would have allowed “painting the story in broader strokes”.

— I said it must be at least ten seasons and maybe 12, 13 but I lost there, he says.

More influence now

In the end, Martin had little say in the later seasons of “Game of Thrones,” as the events of the series extended beyond the plot of his books.

— I did not contribute to the later seasons except for inventing the world, the story and all the characters. I think I have more influence now over “House of the Dragon,” he says.

In the interview, George RR Martin talks about the unconventional process of developing a spinoff of the main series, a prequel set 200 years before the events of “Game of thrones”. Five teams that developed their own synopsis visited Martin in Santa Fe to present their visions.

— It was as if we were in the NFL playoffs and I coached all the teams. It was a bit strange, he says.

Expensive pilot

One of the script ideas made it to the pilot stage. An episode starring Naomi Watts was reportedly shot at a cost of around $30 million. Martin had his doubts, but he supported the project, which HBO ultimately decided to scrap.

But when he was introduced to what eventually became the “House of the dragon” the pieces fell into place. Ryan Condal, who had been obsessed with Martin’s books since his 20s, was brought on as screenwriter and producer.

How the series will be received remains to be seen, but George RR Martin has already started planning new projects – like a potential sequel featuring fan-favorite Jon Snow.

— How many seasons will be broadcast? I don’t know, but I hope the answer will be several and that we will have something similar to the Marvel or Star Wars model when everything is ready, he told The Wall Street Journal.
