Nadia Calviño: “the EIB must invest in the defense sector, but with caution”

Nadia Calvino the EIB must invest in the defense sector

This week we welcome Nadia Calviño, president of the European Investment Bank, former Minister of Economy in the Sanchez government, and vice-president of this Spanish socialist government. She is the first woman to become head of this major bank in the European Union, which has invested more than 87 billion euros in 2023 in Europe. Transforming the EIB into a “Green Bank”, serving technologies and the future, while strengthening the European defense industry: this is the challenge it has set itself since taking office in January 2024.

The EIB’s investments are “ keys for the future of Europe » according to the president, who faces colossal challenges, starting with the war in Ukraine. The EIB announced that it would lift restrictions on dual-use goods, civil and military. A ” big step forward » according to Nadia Calviño, for “ help support the European security and defense industry “. The European Investment Bank is also participating in the reconstruction of Ukraine, through “technical expertise” and investments: “ at the moment we are the most important investment partner of Ukraine », assures the president.

This support from the EIB competes with the Biden administration’s major investment plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, but also with China, which subsidizes large groups. Nadia Calviño hears above all “ preserve European leadership » in the face of these major players, particularly in the field of new technologies. She wishes ” support the most affected sectors such as agriculture ”, ensure that industries “ stay in Europe » and let it be “ profitable from a business point of view “. More than half of the EIB’s investments are dedicated to green finance: “ We are investing in the technologies of the future and guaranteeing that we can have a climate transition that benefits citizens and businesses. », assures the president.

The acceleration of this green transition goes hand in hand with “ strategic autonomy » of Europe in terms of energy: “ we cannot depend on others when it comes to energy, and that is where we must invest “, she recommends. This autonomy must be achieved with the assistance of all EU countries according to the president: “ No country, even France or Germany, which are large countries, can face the current challenges alone. Union makes us stronger. » A few weeks before the European election, it is time to take stock of the last mandate: “ We have remained united until now. We responded to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine in a united, determined way. And I think that’s the secret to our success. We must continue in the same line for the future “.

The EIB is investing in Europe, but also in Africa, to the tune of 150 billion euros by 2030 to finance major projects in renewable energy, Internet access, transport, vaccines and education. Nadia Calviño reaffirms her support for Africa: “ Obviously, Africa is a priority for Europe. […] we support projects that are very important for the future of the continent and African citizens, whether in the areas of energy, digitalization, but also water, agriculture “. This European financial aid must not make us forget the “ specificities of these countries » which are the « priority » of Europe, as “ neighbors ” And ” partners “.
