Google Chrome 100 is available, here are its main new features

Google Chrome 100 is available here are its main new

Google has just released the Chrome 100 update for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Among the novelties inaugurated, Chrome 100 is the first version of Google’s web browser to adopt the new icon subtly modified by the officiating designers for Chrome.

Chrome 100 also introduces a new API dedicated to managing the placement of windows on a configuration with multiple screens. Google has also provided a list of examples in which this API can be used: for displaying a slide show on a secondary screen with the notes displayed on the screen of a laptop PC, for opening financial applications including the dashboard is composed of several windows, to open medical images (X-ray, MRI, Scanner, etc.) in high resolution on a dedicated screen, for graphic creation applications which open secondary windows on separate screens. .

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Chrome 100 also allows websites to revoke their own permissions to access USB or Bluetooth devices when they are no longer needed. Another novelty, Google’s Web browser inaugurates the Digital Goods API, which will allow Web Apps from the Play Store to support digital purchases, allowing additional content to be installed directly from the Android application store. Finally, this update fixes no less than 28 security vulnerabilities, many of which were discovered by independent security researchers.

This new version also marks the death warrant of the data saver on Android that users could activate to reduce the amount of data used when the smartphone connects to the Internet via a mobile connection.

Just four weeks after the release of Chrome 99, version 100 of the web browser is a tricky milestone for Google (but also for Edge and Firefox), as the move to a three-digit version number could potentially prevent Chrome from working properly. some websites.
