God of War PC version surpasses 1 million sales

God of War PC version surpasses 1 million sales

According to the reports, the PC version of God of War has surpassed the sales figure of one million, although it has been a short time since its release.

One of the most talked about productions in the gaming world right now is undoubtedly the PC version of God of War. The God of War PC version, which also has the distinction of being the most successful game released by Sony on Steam, broke the company’s record on this platform in terms of the number of instant players. The game, which has received great praise from PC players since its release, has been at the top of the Steam sales charts for two weeks. Incoming reports indicate that the sales figures of the game have already passed the one million threshold.

God of War PC version surpasses 1 million sales

Although the net sales figure of the game, which was released on Steam on January 14, is not clear, it is estimated that it has reached a figure between 1 and 2 million. According to the report of the Steamspy site, the sales figure of the game has already surpassed one million. in Steamspy’s user profiles from the games played Let’s say you keep a statistic. In other words, users who hide their profile and the game they play do not go to the statistics in this report. This indicates that the official figures may be much higher.

In addition, if we consider that the game is released through other digital services such as the Epic Games Store, we can think that the sales figure may be close to two million or even more.
