Glucose Goddess: what is this method for lowering blood sugar?

Glucose Goddess what is this method for lowering blood sugar

Promoted by Frenchwoman Jessie Inchauspé, the “Glucose Goddess” method stabilizes blood sugar levels in 4 weeks and thus improves health. Three million people follow her on Instagram.

There “Glucose Revolution“, do you know? This is the name of a book published in France in spring 2022 written by Jessie Inchauspéa biochemist and nutrition researcher French who lives in the United States. It is one of the bestsellers health/nutrition books released that year. In this book she explains how control your blood sugar level -that is to say sugar- for get better. “The majority of the population suffers from glucose dysregulation and most ignore it. THE symptoms ? Cravings, fatigue, acnepremature aging, infertility… and, over time, inflammatory diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancers or heart problems” she writes. A year later, in May 2023she is releasing a second book “The Glucose Goddess Method” from the name of her Instagram account – translate “goddess of glucose” – and it’s a new success: “After the release of my first book last year, many of you asked me for help. You wanted me to show you where to start, to guide you in making savory breakfasts, vegetarian starters, that I give you recipes and a step by step plan. The Glucose Goddess method is the answer to this request. It’s your fast track to stable glucose levels in 4 weeks.” she always defends Instagram.

Concretely, what do we eat?

The objective is simple: eat to avoid too high and too numerous blood sugar peaks, which are harmful to the body. As Dr Alexandra Dalu explained to us in a previous article: “During a peak in blood sugar, the body stimulates the pancreas so that he produces a hormone, insulinwhose role is to pass sugar from the blood to the cells to produce energy“. However, you should not have too strong blood sugar peaks or too frequent peaks because the digestive glands need rest outside of digestion periods. “When the body experiences blood sugar spikes too often, this causes “the“depletion” of insulin which is no longer able to pass the sugar into the cells and therefore remains in the blood. Fatigue, excess weight, irritability, skin problems… set in.

Cover of the Glucose Goddess method book by Jessie Inchauspé © Editor

To avoid blood sugar spikes, Jessie Inchauspé advises in his method to:

  • Eat a salty breakfast, not a sweet one (sugar at breakfast causes a spike in glucose then a drop responsible (around 2 hours later) for fatigue and cravings: avoid pastries, cereals, jams, fruit juices …and anything with a sweet flavor.
  • Before eating, take a tablespoon of vinegar (any type except syrupy balsamic) in a glass of water, or over a vegetable starter.
  • Add a plate of vegetables at the start of the meal (lunch or dinner).
  • Eat the foods in the meal in the correct order: vegetables first, proteins and fats second, starches and sugars last.
  • Eat only whole fruits, never juiced or dehydrated.
  • Eat sweet foods at the end of a meal rather than in the morning or alone as a snack.
  • After meals, use your muscles for 10 minutes: walk, move, do the dishes, vacuum, go up and down the stairs, etc.

What effects? Benefits?

Stabilizing your blood sugar level is important for everyone – not just diabetics – according to Jessie Inchauspé which highlights three good reasons to follow his method :

  • “1.1 billion people worldwide have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Glucose tips can help them control or alleviate their disease.”
  • “If you don’t have diabetes, balancing your glucose levels with tips can help prevent its development.”
  • “Beyond diabetes, anti-glucose tips will help you feel better today in improving your mood, energy, cravings, hormonal health, sleep, inflammation And much more.”

Benefits that leave skeptics certain doctors such as Professor François Jornayvaz, head of the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology, Nutrition and Therapeutic Patient Education at the University Hospitals of Geneva. “She hides behind a pseudoscientific aspect to advocate a method that in my opinion it doesn’t work and is based on very little evidence. THE studies scientists she cites are very anecdotalor even outright falseor not applicable to what it offers” he declared in The weather in May 2023. Of the same opinion, the French endocrinologist, Boris Hansel underlines thelack of new method : “We have long known the benefit of having foods with a low or moderate glycemic index, not to snack, to have meals rich in fiber to limit illness and we did not wait to say that physical activity was good for health” he reacted to “Our time“.

Any contraindications?

Be careful, the influencer herself warns in her first book, “I am not a doctor, I am a researcher (…) I am not giving any medical advice here. If you have a health problem or if you are taking medication, consult your doctor before using this book”. She and her editor “expressly disclaim all responsibilities regarding the side effects which may result from the use of the information contained in this book..
